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  1. dannyscottish

    Lil Help on my Durban Possion

    Basicly i have had her in 12/12 for over 3 weeks and still no show of pre flowers!!!!! Any1 help me quick as im going to kill it!!!!
  2. dannyscottish

    4 weeks flowering-first cfl grow

    Im growing under clf first time too ...... what nutes u using ?
  3. dannyscottish

    Any one seen this before

    Yeah topped it late just as she started flowering , beginers luck i suppose! wont be a good harvest , but by the trichlones it should be a good smoke!! Started flushing yesterday due to nute burn that was quite bad! Would it be ok to flush for an extra week (14-16 days)
  4. dannyscottish

    Any one seen this before

    The first pic was taken today the rest was a few weeks ago
  5. dannyscottish

    Any one seen this before

    Any one ever seen a plant with two main colas?? Mine has two main colas , which i think is pritty cool lol.....
  6. dannyscottish

    Can any one tell how long i have left???

    So how long till i flush then ?
  7. dannyscottish

    Can any one tell how long i have left???

    Can any one tell how long i have left? She been flowering for 40+ days getting more orange hairs and crystals all over Excuse the pics they are off my mobile phone Danny
  8. dannyscottish

    bring luda back!!!!!

    Bunch of sad basterds , whats the point of impostering some1!!! Some people need to get a life!!!!!
  9. dannyscottish

    Is She Ready To Flush

    Cheers , got1 looked out for £10 cheers
  10. dannyscottish

    Is She Ready To Flush

    So ur saying get 420 scope lol , im thinking on it any way! Any ideas where i could get a good cheap1 from?? Keeping in mind that i am from the uk ;)
  11. dannyscottish

    Is She Ready To Flush

    Cheers man , first time growing and like i said i have had loads of problems with her . Nearly killed her 2x by dropping the light on her when she was a month old!! But dont have a clue when to flush her , im wanting this done well before christmas and new year lol as i have 3 cuttings that...
  12. dannyscottish

    Is She Ready To Flush

    You being serrious??? Had her growing for good few months with loads of problems lol.......... i am defo wanting the best i can get her thats why i thought i would ask There is loads of triclones and dnt have a 420scope , buds starting to feel hard and more orange/red starting to appear!
  13. dannyscottish

    Is She Ready To Flush

    Bump...... heres more recent pic
  14. dannyscottish

    Is She Ready To Flush

    On day 30+ (close to 40) of flowering , do u think she is ready to flush??? excuse the pics they are off my phone
  15. dannyscottish

    Police at my door just a few hours ago .. OMG

    could only take matter of hours before they can get a warrent , well im from the uk it might be diffrent :wall:
  16. dannyscottish

    Is she growing buds ok ?

    now have 4x26w red clfs and a 125w clf Ill let u know how it goes
  17. dannyscottish

    Is she growing buds ok ?

    Lol yeah i know , swaped my m8 my 125w red clf for a 250w blue clf
  18. dannyscottish

    Is she growing buds ok ?

    Im on day 30odd since pre flowers started to show. She was growing on the window for a month , then under 2x 26wclf for 3 weeks and finnaly a 250w blue clf where she still remains. Using Ionic soil n bloom and canna pk 13/14 with still boiled water. I think that she might be root bound as...
  19. dannyscottish

    125w red CLF v 250w blue CLF

  20. dannyscottish

    125w red CLF v 250w blue CLF

    the thing is that the cuttings are not in my present house!!! I have the 2 opotions , 1. Use the 125w red clf light 2. Keep using the 250w blue