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  1. M

    tour to the local cops of my garden.

    so far so good still no show...
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    tour to the local cops of my garden.

    well as far as it all goes they never showed up..... as far as the person who called the cops.. i was guessing my land lady she has been screwy latly.. she had the room simi set up before i moved in. she been acting silly and threating latly..... i had 56 plants what i am allowed but some reason...
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    tour to the local cops of my garden.

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    tour to the local cops of my garden.

    Well sat around all day cooked an 18 hr brisket and a now show from the boy's in blue. so ate the brisket and smoked some pot and played madden 12. So today i await for call or a show from the boy's... we shall see....
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    tour to the local cops of my garden.

    well someone called cops. that is why they came. then gave me week to get into compliance with sb420 sb215 6 mature 12 immature.
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    tour to the local cops of my garden.

    got compliance check tomorrow... moved a few plants and got a few scrips... should be covered....
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    tour to the local cops of my garden.

    it was real crazy..
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    tour to the local cops of my garden.

    hahaha.. naw just i hate to be in pain so i smoke alot... as for weird experience, yea not so bad my 3rd over the last 7 years 1st time had 40+ cops swat and such... but gets your heart pumping each time because like the cop said.. it could be some rookie and he could be really tripping and all...
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    tour to the local cops of my garden.

    So someone called the cops and told them i grew marijuana. As i open the door one cop sees my tattoo of my army unit. And we chat, he then says that they were called that i grew marijuana. i told them i did and they asked if they could see. well i walked them in the house and they had...
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    My Green Heaven

    been running since the 1st august.
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    My Green Heaven

    update. after all said and done. little over 5 lbs 3oz. So as i was getting the room done i decide to do major upgrade. i was disappointed with over half the strains and disappointment was that they looked nice and smell nice and smoke ok just the plants were not at full potential. side by side...
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    My Green Heaven

    was in the garden and seen a seed forming on a bud, went crazy looking for the culprit, then found her. so i cut her down. she was a clone i had gotten from, greendoor, oh well...
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    My Green Heaven

    hi there, i am using ocean forest by fox farm, i am using the pure blend pro series by botanicare. i also supplement with sweet, liquid karma, cal mag. yea my ladies are loving it...
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    My Green Heaven

    few more pics...
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    Qrazy Train or Querkle

    Got my three qrazy trains going from tga..
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    Hello To One And All.. bad... do not know if link worked but if not it is in grow journal under my greenheaven
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    My Green Heaven

    i love the smell of the garden growing....
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    Hello To One And All..

    thanks and please check out my current grow..
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    Another New TGA Strain

    Just picked up my Ace of spades seeds at the high times medical cannabis cup. been growing jilly bean, vortex, jack ripper and Quazy train... nice growing strains... will have finished pics in a few weeks.