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  1. stoner79

    Can smoking weed cure swine flu?

    a little article i found "Endocannabinoids are nature's way of controlling TNF activity. Existing peer reviewed publications have shown that phytocannabinoids can prevent this cell death by mimicking the endocannabinoids that nature has selected to prevent excessive inflammatory immune...
  2. stoner79

    U.K. Law Changes Today

    that so true!! lets send hundreds of men n women to their death because there "might" be wmd's, none of which were found!! the people running the worlds countrys are a fuckn joke!! why is the government so afraid to legalize cannabis? surely by now the hemp plant must be one of the most tested...
  3. stoner79

    Should I flower my plant exactly after at 1 month?

    it all depends on what size plants you want,how big is your grow room, how big a yield your after, dont forget when you flip them to 12/12 their gonna double,treble in size so all depends on what you want, short answer is yes flip them babys....:) some guys go 12/12 from seed and i know some...
  4. stoner79

    U.K. Law Changes Today

    i love professor david nutt!! :bigjoint: finally someone standing up to that arsehole government labour and their shit head cronies that no nothing about real life "on the street",science and just about everything us people in the real world have to live with, come step in my shoes gordon...
  5. stoner79

    could this be possible?

    just sitting here blazing,having a wee ponder about things...... just watched a programme about mixed races, theory's and some research why they could be better than non-mixed races, suppose to have better genes and be more resilient to disease and more attractive, usually better athletically...
  6. stoner79

    british government sacks advisor for drugs!!

    i hope so, until all the old fuddy duddys that live in a by gone age are all cleared out and replaced with people that actually want to help the people instead of lining their own pockets and screwing the tax payer nothings gonna change!! will there ever be a honest politician?? from my...
  7. stoner79

    british government sacks advisor for drugs!!

    well may be not bike's but defo horses..... imagine my car left big lumps of shit all over the road...... how come dog owners have to pick up their dogs shite but horse folks can let them beasts dump humongous loads allover the place?? dog discrimination!!lol:hug:
  8. stoner79

    british government sacks advisor for drugs!!

    i seen a few programmes when shady growers were saying if it was legalized they would have to close down,wouldnt be worth their while etc, so they hope it's never legalized!! i think it should be legal for everybody to be able to grow their own or buy it from the government if they so wish...
  9. stoner79

    british government sacks advisor for drugs!!

    i thought this comparison was true though...:) (quote from guardian newspaper) "Nutt clashed with Jacqui Smith when she was home secretary after he compared the 100 deaths a year from horseriding with the 30 deaths a year linked to ecstasy." so in that aspect should...
  10. stoner79

    british government sacks advisor for drugs!!

    hi calling any uk based folk or anybody else interested...........i've just been watching the new's Professor David Nutt, the government's chief drug adviser, has been sacked a day after claiming that cannabis, ecstasy and LSD were less dangerous than alcohol. here's the link for 1 of the...
  11. stoner79

    CFL vs Tube

    your plants are 16" away from your cfl? you should get them closer because the lumen's drastically drop even 1" away from the cfl!! try havn a fan blow cold air across them because they shouldnt burn even being a couple of inches away they should be good, usually when the leaf touches the cfl...
  12. stoner79

    World prices for cannabis

    it's expensive in ireland, average price is 300 euro an oz and that could b for the shittiest of green going!!! i've heard of it making 400-500 euro an oz in some countys of ireland....even shit soapbar is still making 100euro an oz....crazy!!! a 50euro baggie you'll b lucky to get 3grams...
  13. stoner79

    My bud leaves are turning yellow at the edges, do I really need to flush?

    to flush or not to flush?? personally i like to flush because me and a friend done a small experiment, we both grew the exact strain,clones from the same mother plant, he flushed and i never and the flushed pot tasted far nicer,defo hardly any chemical taste,just seemed a more natural flavour...
  14. stoner79

    If you opend up a headshop what would you name it?

    four twenty, 4-twenty or four-20? just a few idea's:weed:
  15. stoner79

    lighter theives

    true, thats why me and my mates all invested in zippo's, big NO-NO to rob this type of
  16. stoner79

    lighter theives

    i've a few mates that are notorious lighter thieves, cant put 1 down for a sec or it's gone!!!!! they even do it blatantly in front of ur
  17. stoner79

    HELP! Wife against idea of me having a grow room..

    did she say why she was against the idea? how big of a grow room where you planning?
  18. stoner79

    stealing power

    never said it was but if something is very easy to take then their will always be thieving going on, just the way the world goes round.........:leaf:
  19. stoner79


    ah no worrys, i just thought u were wanting a way of smoking it, been using hash for years and them few idea's i gave you all work very well and you will be wasted, esp if you do a bucket or a lung.......:weed:
  20. stoner79


    theirs loads of ways to toke hash, water falls, lungs (or bag pipes we call them in scotland),hotknives,coke cans, can all be made from stuff lying about your house, quick easy way is coke can, just put a small indentation in the can where the hash is gonna go,pierce sum small holes with a...