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  1. S3AN

    Super Cropping

    you pinch right under the nodes, right where the leaf comes out of the stem. pinch until you hear a snap, not too hard though. then bend the plant over facing a 45 dagree angle.
  2. S3AN

    Whats the deal with sugar water?

    I was at a buddies house, skim'n through Jorge Cervantes book. He mentioned sugar water? whats the deal with that? Is it the same affect as the molasses? If so, wouldnt be cheaper and easier for growers? I have never used molasses before and really don't care to. But, I would however like to...
  3. S3AN

    which is the best time to cut down?

    I was just curious to which was a better time to cut down. 1. After 12 hours of light. 2. After 12 hours of dark. Let me know, I'm just wondering if anyone has figured that out yet.:peace: