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  1. O

    How much do you think she will yield? First grow

    Yeah i'm using 3100K tubes. I'll be able to afford 2 or 3 more 80w t8 fixtures on monday (but not right now)... do you think it will still be worth it by then?
  2. O

    How much do you think she will yield? First grow

    Thanks for the help man... But yeah I have been running the lights vertical and I haven't had to move the cfl's up anymore so I'm positive she's done stretching. My temp usually stays between 72-80 during the day and 65-72 at night... this sound about right? Here are pics from today:
  3. O

    5 weeks into flowering and looking a bit too green... First grow... need some help

    Are you sure about the 10/14 thing? I've never heard of that. I've only heard of leaving it in the dark for 24 hours before harvest to increase resin production.
  4. O

    How much do you think she will yield? First grow

    I moved her this morning to a place where I could get the tubes no more than an inch and a half away from the buds... I'm hoping this will help her thicken her buds up. I'll post pictures in a little bit.
  5. O

    5 weeks into flowering and looking a bit too green... First grow... need some help

    Someone told me on another post that it looked "too green" for being in flowering, but from what everyone has said i guess its not a big deal... thanks for all the input
  6. O

    How much do you think she will yield? First grow

    I would be glad to see an ounce come out of her... she's getting really stinky... I can smell her all throughout my house
  7. O

    How much do you think she will yield? First grow

    I'm running 6- 40w floro tubes and 3-13w cfls. I'll probably look into getting an hps or hid next time.
  8. O

    How much do you think she will yield? First grow

    Thanks man, I'll look into those strains. I'd like to get an idea of what strain it is so I can get a good idea of how long its gonna take to flower.
  9. O

    How much do you think she will yield? First grow

    Before we get all pompous in here... As far as me finding it in my yard, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it. As for me thinking its Northern Lights... relax kid, just an educated guess... a little light reading and you'll find that the general consensus is that NL has a low odor in...
  10. O

    5 weeks into flowering and looking a bit too green... First grow... need some help

    My girl is 5 weeks into flowering and she is looking a little bit too green... I'm thinking its a nutrient problem. Maybe she has some residual Nitrogen in her soil? Should I flush her? Any suggestions? Please? Medium: Soil Lighting: 6- 40w Flourescent tubes 3- 13w CFL's Nutrients: FoxFarms...
  11. O

    How much longer? What strain? Need help... first grow

    thanks man any guess is much appreciated
  12. O

    How much do you think she will yield? First grow

    You think at least an ounce?
  13. O

    How much do you think she will yield? First grow

    I actually found the little girl when I moved in so it wasn't from anything I had... Its pretty rare to come across bag seed around here too
  14. O

    How much do you think she will yield? First grow

    Could anyone give me a ball park estimate how much she will yield based on the picture? She's 2'3" tall and she is 5 weeks into flowering. I don't know what strain she is, as I found her growing in my yard (she was probably about 2-3 weeks old)... hence her name: Lucky. But based on what I...
  15. O

    How much longer? What strain? Need help... first grow

    Yeah I've been looking at the trichs through a microscope and theyre starting get milky
  16. O

    How much longer? What strain? Need help... first grow

    Could anyone give me any idea if she is ready to harvest or how much longer she's gonna take? I don't know what strain she is because I found her growing in my yard (she was probably about 2 weeks old when I found her) and I decided to take her under my wing. I'm thinking she is some sort of...