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  1. T

    Outdoor 2009 Backyard Giants

    And here i sit without a bowl to smoke. you are one lucky/talented man 5150, congrats. Oh btw, loved the chair totally a chill place to smoke a bowl!
  2. T

    Check out what I found

    Anyone? I need some help guys! oh and has anyone ever seen purple and white hairs on their buds? thats what im starting to see on the plants i found also there getting crystals on the buds and the leaves:weed:
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    Check out what I found

    Does anyone know the flowering time ranges for minnesota? and what step of the ff I should be on? I have open sesame, beastie bloomz and cha ching. Just want to be sure about that.
  4. T

    Check out what I found

    I know but your damn lucky, I here its easy as hell to get good bud out there cause everyone has a license for it. My buddy actually just had some cali medical shit, it was fuckin dank! Maybe I wont even have to wait that long since Minnesota is one of the states considering medical marijuana...
  5. T

    Check out what I found

    I just took some pics and posted them yesterday, ill post some more in about a week or so. Dont be a jack ass and rub it in our faces man! :finger: hahahaha
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    Check out what I found

    Yeah I'm hoping it will do some good
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    Check out what I found

    Ill start the ff beastie bloomz on friday and ill keep you guys posted with pics
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    Check out what I found

    Does anyone know when I should start the beastie bloomz? or for that matter anything else that will make them produce resin like crazy. RESIN I NEED RESIN!!!!!!!!!!
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    Check out what I found

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    Check out what I found

    Does industrial weed get sticky and have crystals on the buds?
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    Check out what I found

    Is there anything else I can do besides the molasses and the foxfarm open sesame to get better buds? I really want this to work
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    Check out what I found

    Call it what you want I just wanna get baked of these babys!
  13. T

    Check out what I found

    For sure ill keep posting pics. If anyone has any ideas let me know! I want to get the most outta these ladys
  14. T

    Check out what I found

    Thanks for the back up, honestly your pretty much right on about how I came across them and I am in the midwest and I have come to realize it is very common to see weed growing if you look. But honesly, if I take good care of them and give em good nuts do you think ill have some decent buds...
  15. T

    Check out what I found

    Hey man i wouldnt jack shit, they have been growing back there for years, i know that for a fact and they are nobodys crop or else i wouldent be taking care of them. I respect other peoples grow and i would expect the same for mine, we are all friends here man!
  16. T

    Check out what I found

    molasses is suppose to thicken up the buds, seems to be working, i just took a look at them an hour or so ago and there are tiny crystals on em:weed:
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    Check out what I found

    Ill take some more pics tomorrow hopefully. There is a big difference between then and now
  18. T

    Check out what I found

    So I stumbled upon these awhile ago and was wondering what you guys think of these ladies, there is probably about 6 total that I found and the pictures are just of one of the them taken about 3 weeks back. I have been mixing foxfarm open sesame with some molasses mixed in a one gallon jug and...
  19. T

    how to produce more resin

    do you know if it works better then foxfarm beastie bloomz?
  20. T

    how to produce more resin

    Anyone have some ideas?