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  1. R

    buying seeds

    I live in the u.s. is there any sites that are safe to buy from. and what are the safest
  2. R

    i want to know all about lsd

    i already checked out the erowid site and it helped a lot. but i just want to know all i can about it, and id love to hear some stories and expieriences with it too.
  3. R

    Best Console Game To Play High

    id have to say COD 5 nazi zombies since its pretty slow paced
  4. R

    other psychedelics?

    salvia s way fun and trippy
  5. R

    i want to know all about lsd

    im lookin to do some lsd but first i want to know more about it. i ve already tried robofryin which was really fun, and shrooms which was really fun, and salvia which was also really fun.
  6. R

    need help growing in closet

    your DIY bubbleponics DWC looks amazing is there any way you could send me some steps on how to assemble it. and i was just wondering how loud are they?
  7. R

    need help growing in closet

    any advice helps.
  8. R

    what do you guys think is the most visual psychedelic?

    shit i need some better hook ups all ive done is shrooms and salvia. but some lsd will be added to that list by the end of the week.
  9. R

    Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!

    all im gonna say is the couch tried to eat me.