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  1. dopeshow

    harvest now.........or later?

    so I have a mess of a problem with spidermites. one of my plants got some kind of super spidernites that seem to be resistant to everything. I try to wipe the leaves but they never seem to die I spray but no luck. But anyway Im 7 weeks and a few days and I personally think she has week or so but...
  2. dopeshow

    sugar water during flowering?

    so Im about 5 weeks into flowering and I have heard about flushing them with sugar water or molasses to plump up the buds. I was wondering what the ratio of sugar to water or molasses to water and when you would want to start fushing them with it.
  3. dopeshow

    spider mites!!

    yeah i can see the cob webs. I have also read about alcohol/water mix as a more cost effective way to kill them off during flowering. Any truth behind that?
  4. dopeshow

    spider mites!!

    I think got a problem with spider mites. Im in my fourth week of flowering and got bunch of white spots on my leaves all the sudden. the plants have been very healthy otherwise. I dont know what to do to fix it. any cheap easy fixes that wont hurt the plant? do mites damage the buds? or should i...
  5. dopeshow

    Why did it stop growing? +REP

    mine was about the same 4-5 weeks vegg and 9 weeks in flower
  6. dopeshow

    Why did it stop growing? +REP

    I had the same thing happen to me.....only i wasnt topping....during flowering they seem to grow very fast at first then right about the time they really start budding its like they hit a brick wall but no worries mine picked up pretty quick and ended up with a nice harvest
  7. dopeshow

    Help me plan my grow room

    First of all stick with the 400 hps thats what i use and I love might have to have pretty good ventilation though. I prefere to grow them out in vegg with 24 hrs of light till they are between 20 to 23 inches then put them into flowering. I think for a first time grow its your best bet...
  8. dopeshow

    Check out my first Girl (pictures)++REP for a noob..leave comments

    looks good man....hard to tell how much she will yeild.....depends on too many things