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  1. P

    New! Florida Marijuana info/pics and MJ Growing

    so i took a break with this...:joint: came back n saw error on pix uploadin.... so i will try again a lil later. until then lata FLA
  2. P

    New! Florida Marijuana info/pics and MJ Growing

    fla representin! ill upload a few nice pix of bud ive gotten around the coral springs and boca raton area.... lemme know what you think... this is what ive been gettin.
  3. P

    Trim popcorn buds?

    dont trim popcorn buds. many times if u let them grow after u have clipped all the other buds... they usually grow more massive.
  4. P

    first grow (bag seed)

    ok well i had found 2 seeds in it actually and had them sittin on my dressor for a few months n then i put them in there n this is what came out (i didnt germ them).... the bag it came out of was decent tree. so yes i did get high from it.... i dnt kno im hopin this is some weird shit haha. but...
  5. P

    first grow (bag seed)

    alright, so i found a seed in a sack and decided that i should keep it just incase. a few months later i looked at it and it was still hard shell(whites is color) and i randomly put it in a pot with miracle grow potting soil my grandfather gave me. well, i have been watching it and watering for...