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  1. onship

    Plants getting too tall

    Using a new grow tent and let my plants veg too long. Justed started flowering phase and plants are getting too tall. I can already see that in a week or so I will not be able to move the lights any higher. Any suggestions? Would a mesh screen across the canopy help limit the height?
  2. onship

    Roseman and purpdaddys guide for my Bubbleponics setup from Stealth Hydroponics

    Question: I am using a Stealth bubbleponics sytem. When do you stop the continuous water flow to the Rock wool cubes and plants? When you put the pump on a timer, how often should the pump send water to the cubes?
  3. onship

    ohio sucks dick

    Hey boydbd, I ordered from Attitude on Oct 25 and seeds arrived on Nov 2. I suggest you get some good seeds for your Ohio grow.
  4. onship

    ohio sucks dick

    I live in NE Ohio and after reviewing the advice from "educated" stoners on this site, I ordered seeds from Attitude early this week. I'll post my results in a week or so. Seeds or letter from homeland Sec?
  5. onship

    air cool light reflector

    I can understand how to suck the hot air from the light/reflector into the duct, then exhaust to outside. I do not understand the configutration for pushing. I assume the fan would mount in the round ducting. Which direct would the fan blow to push? Pointed from the ducting blowing across...
  6. onship

    air cool light reflector

    Has anyone any experience with or any opinions about this type of air cool light reflector? I am unsure about how it works and how many bulbs it takes.
  7. onship


    brothafromanothaplanet: The unit pumps oxygenated nutrient solution DIRECTLY to the inner root zone in each basket. This set-up (tank,pots, pump, airstone, rock wool, & rocks) runs $95. I thought (still am) about making my own, but could not find the grow pots anywhere. How did you make yours?
  8. onship


    M. Y. I plan on running cfl. I hope I can get 300 -400 watts out of them. If not I may need to step up the lighting. I like the 4 corner idea. Seems like more room for the plants. Also, will look for roseman's tut. Thanks for the help peace
  9. onship


    I am planning for next years grow and I found a Stealth bubbleponics system. Does anyone have any experience with these? Is there enough room for 6 plants? The system holds 8 gals, would it need to be flushed and refilled evey week? peace and thanks
  10. onship

    Flushing & Dark Prior to Harvest

    My plants are getting close to harvesting. I am a little confused by some of the harvesting suggestions I've read. I am looking for the basic steps to take just prior to harvesting. I have a hydro grow, should I use just water for a week prior to harvest? Also, should I keep the plant in...
  11. onship

    bubble hash

    Anyone have some tips on making bubble hash? I picked up a set of "bubble bags" and want to make hash out of a couple of males and females that went bad.
  12. onship

    TDS/ppm/ec meter

    IS, As always you've been a huge help. Thanks mate
  13. onship

    TDS/ppm/ec meter

    I am looking for a ppm/TDS/EC meter. Can anyone give me arecommendation that will not break the bank. I found this one "The Sunleaves TDS Essential Digital Pen measures total dissolved solids from 0 to 9,990 parts per million with a resolution of one part per million. Pen includes a data...
  14. onship

    Doctor! Doctor! Mold?

    Thanks for the help. You have given me hope.
  15. onship

    Doctor! Doctor! Mold?

    My assumption is that I drain my resovour, add hydrogen peroxide and water with NO nutes. Do I go with that for a week, until condition improves, til end of grow? thanks
  16. onship

    Doctor! Doctor! Mold?

    I am using distilled water. Can you suggest a macronutrient? I thought the Flora Nova Bloom, had me covered. How do i apply the hydrogen peroxide? thanks dude.
  17. onship

    Doctor! Doctor! Mold?

    I am using Flora Nova Grow 3 tsp/gal plus Big Bud 4tsp /gal. Sorry I do not have a ppm meter.
  18. onship

    Doctor! Doctor! Mold?

    What is this, is it mold? I posted some (blurry) pics yesterday and got several diagnoses. Here are some clearer pics. Also, here is a pic of some discoloration on some of the fan leaves. Any ideas on what is causing that? Its a hydro grow and about 1 month into flowering. Thanks Docs
  19. onship

    What the hell is this?

    I'll get better pics tonight and post them. Regarding mold; Could mold get on the stem of a hydro grow? Wouldn't the lights prevent it? How do I stop/remove mold?
  20. onship

    What the hell is this?

    Hydro grow with plants 4 weeks into flowering. Flowering has been going well until I seen this yesterday. What is this deformity on this plant. It seems like the stem is splitting and white growth is filling in between the split. Any ideas?