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  1. BudMaster86

    sending bud in the mail ez squeezy ?

    so did the candle thing work?
  2. BudMaster86

    i lost my bowl....

    LMAO!!! I lol'd sooo hard when i read that!!!
  3. BudMaster86

    2nd closet/cfl grow

    I've been checking out your grow journal, it's kickass. You were in Roch MN? I live *very* close there! I sold a g of sour diesel to someone I work with... If you bought more than a g than I know you're not who i sold it to lol
  4. BudMaster86

    skimmpy dealers arg

    3.5g's for $35 is quite a deal! I wouldn't even be complaining about 2.5... the leaves i can understand tho :/ I normally pay $60 for an eighth (3.5g) !
  5. BudMaster86

    i need some advice ladys...

    Hahah it just occurred to me you're asking a bunch of stoners what to do about your daughter's (possible?) period! You're asking for medical advice on a weed forum! I'm sorry, but this is very lulzy I'm not saying the advice people give on here isn't good, it's just funny xD
  6. BudMaster86

    "Flavoring" your glass pipe?

    That's kickass. So did that cedar flavor seep into the bud as you smoked it? I've had fruity smelling weed before, and i was hoping to kind of augment it (or any weed for that matter) with even more fruity flavor.
  7. BudMaster86

    Do you smoke cigarettes?

    I've smoke a cig once and didn't care for it. I've always been under the impression nicotine gives you that buzz the first time you smoke, and then after that, your subsequent cigarettes keep your body in a cycle of dependency. The nicotine makes everything you eat/drink/smell/hear shitty, and...
  8. BudMaster86

    "Flavoring" your glass pipe?

    I just kind of thought of this the other day when I was baked :joint:(is that an indicator this idea is total shit? lol). Is it possible to "flavor" your glass pipe? Surround it by really fragrant objects so that when you smoke out of the pipe, you inhale the aroma of the weed AND whatever scent...