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  1. jursch420

    My pot isn't strong enough

    vaporizing is the best for u but i get a diffenrent high from both and i think because of the strain it depends that high but idk. look into gettin g a skillet look it up on there amazing and u can vap out of a bong and it rips fat
  2. jursch420

    miami to cali and back

    i live in thousand oaks, like 30 mins from l.a. hit me up pm well blaze fat
  3. jursch420

    why does europe like hash? do people smoke hash in u.s?

    dude i live in cali and all we smoke here is the dankest weed and shit tons of hash, oil and kief or whatever concentrate may be we smoke it all day long, trust me hash is very popular in certain parts of the us
  4. jursch420

    Just got an 1/8th check it out

    yeah that barely looks like an eigth and if it is it looks nastyyyyy!!!!!!!!!11
  5. jursch420

    In pot we trust!!!!!

    i no right? and she has to goto some illigal drug dealer on the streets when that one guy has medical marijuana prescription from the federal government!!!!
  6. jursch420

    Come on lets go green

    no i smoke it on buds u can cook with it tho
  7. jursch420

    Baby nugs

    thanks guys yeah the buds i knew wernt fully mature yet its just they were there and some jsut started to die so i trimmed a couiple but it got me high, weird head high but a nice stone
  8. jursch420

    Come on lets go green

    yeah i just take 99% iso alcohol and then throw the trim in it in a jar and shake every so often and let it sit for a few days then i strain and evaporate the alcohol away by boiling water and putting the alcohol in a jar and the bar in the boiling water outside becuz of how flamable it is keep...
  9. jursch420

    cannabutter. is it worth it??

    yes it is very much worth it, what you do is make the butter finding the best recipe that suits you, then take the butter after u strained it and put it into a pot and throw in a bag of those miniture marshmallows and then mix untill its melting together and then take 1 lb of your favorite...
  10. jursch420

    Come on lets go green

    i dont think u harmed the trim at all just let it dry out in a dark place and it would be fine to make oil, thatd be cool u could even make necklaces and shit too oh and when u touch your trim how is it? ive never froze undried materials so im curious but i definalty think itd be fin to make...
  11. jursch420

    Smoke Report: 2 years in storage

    ive had white widow from 99 about a year ago my friends dad saved it from his grow from ages back haha
  12. jursch420

    drying help[?

    i just had bud that was drying in carboard it should be fine
  13. jursch420

    Baby nugs

    yeah i started flushing awhile ago and it smells really sweet in the jar its curing in and growing had a really strong bud smell i dont know how to describe the smell but ima bout to smoke a bowl of it now, anyone know why the hairs are sticking out so damn far? its pretty crazy
  14. jursch420

    Come on lets go green

    well i hope u dried them befor put into the freezer im not sure what would happen if u didnt dry but im sure u did and yeah i think u should be able to i usually freeeze my trim for only a couple of weeks, i dnt really like to make hash its hard for me to not get the plant matter through the...
  15. jursch420

    Baby nugs

    damn 26 views and not one word of commentary come on guys and grls i want advice
  16. jursch420

    Just chopped my greenhouse big bang

    damn nice nugs
  17. jursch420

    Come on lets go green

    with harvest time coming up i think it would be best to start this thread. the whole world is going green and i think its time for rollitupers should too. Dont throw away ur plants!!!! not one bit of it, take all your trim and dry it and make hash or oil even! the whole plant is usable and...
  18. jursch420

    Trimming. They call them "LEAVES" for a reason.

    yeah im gonna trim my nugs all the way down, i hate leaves nuthn worse hen a trim joint haha, and for some reason alot of marijuana clinics give out free trim joins as some complimentary gift but its not ever worth smoking, better jus trim the leaves all the way down regardless of the trichs and...
  19. jursch420

    what do you think guys???

    damn thats flowering for a long ass time! id say 2 weeks 3 tops
  20. jursch420

    Lil' Strawberry Cream

    nice u should call it strawberry squared lol