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  1. MamaGrumpums

    Delete Thread

    I recognize you do not delete accounts. Looks like no one else may claim my pimpin' name... However, I do request you delete all of my threads. I'm movin' on up. Holla, Mama Grumpums
  2. MamaGrumpums

    Lighting Schedule

    Interesting how it affects taste! It makes complete sense! And as for my strain... I'm using random bag seeds... I do see two different types of plants in my crop, though. Any of you a pro at differentiating?! One of them is most bizarre!!
  3. MamaGrumpums

    Lighting Schedule

    Thank you guys for the prompt responses.
  4. MamaGrumpums

    Lighting Schedule

    I've noticed varied time schedules used during the vegetative state. Can anyone explain to me the difference? Unfortunately, my research hasn't gotten me far. I've heard of 24/0, 20/4, and 18/6?? Pros and cons to each???
  5. MamaGrumpums

    CFL bagseed rubbermaid stealth grow box (lst)

    I'm enjoying your photos. It's nice to have a fellow CFL first-timer to compare my crop to ;) Any idea when you're going to start flowering? I'll be sure to stay-tuned.
  6. MamaGrumpums

    Mama's First CFL Tote Grow

    Sorry for the delayed update... things have certainly progressed! I haven't done much aside of replanted all of the peat-pot-ed sprouts into 9oz cups - and the smaller plants into gallon milk jugs cut in 1/3s. I'm amazed at the different rate of growth-- and a few plants whose leaves seem to...
  7. MamaGrumpums

    Murder Males?

    I'm surprised with the contradictions. I find it hard to believe that so many people find the male plants to be completely useless...
  8. MamaGrumpums

    Murder Males?

    thank you both for you responses. cph - any insight as to harvesting/preparing male leaves for smoke?? i've done a lot of searching and can't find much on the topic... maz - now, this will just sound silly, i'm sure -- but what does one do with hash? also - any insight to the resale value??
  9. MamaGrumpums

    Murder Males?

    I'm ever so curious as to what each of you do with your male plants. Do you just chuck 'em as you see 'em? Can they be grown through their vegetative state, put through flowering, harvested then smoked???? Please... educate me!
  10. MamaGrumpums

    Mama's First CFL Tote Grow

    Grower -- from my latest set of photos uploaded, the 2nd plant was just 7 days old... the same as the 3rd photo! It's grown even more since I took pictures yesterday-- I'll be sure to update it again today.
  11. MamaGrumpums

    grow GREEN

    Amazing journal! In your opinion, does spraying the plants help the plants grow? Would this be discouraged for a CFL grow with the lights 1-4 inches from the plants? Someone had told me that the water can burn the plants -- as a complete beginner, I took the heed of caution. Any insight...
  12. MamaGrumpums

    Mama's First CFL Tote Grow

    Grower12345- I most certainly will. Thank you for clicking by.
  13. MamaGrumpums

    Mama's First CFL Tote Grow

    Thank you, Minnestoner. I appreciate your post.
  14. MamaGrumpums

    Mama's First CFL Tote Grow

    Lookin' good. Not much I can do at this point. I let a CFL burn one leave of a plant -- how disappointing. She still seems to be surviving pretty well aside of curling to the side. One peat pot sproutling looks like it nearly dried out.... All of the sproutlings that are in the grow box are...
  15. MamaGrumpums

    Mama's First CFL Tote Grow

    What a surprise! When checking my germination plate, two more had popped! All of the other seeds have now been tossed. The two little darlings have been moved into peat pots and placed beneath the lamp. I have moved two of the other sproutlings into the grow-box due to this little surprise...
  16. MamaGrumpums

    Mama's First CFL Tote Grow

    After reading several Grow Journals, I've finally decided to document my own here on good ol' Roll It Up. My set-up is pretty much the bare-minimums as this is my first grow. Low-budget, to say the least. Set-Up: 20 gallon tote 2 lights w dbl sockets 3 - 100 [27]watt CFL 1 - 40 [13] watt...
  17. MamaGrumpums

    My first grow. Rubbermaids CFL

    Bud - I'm curious as to how your double-tote ended up fitting the girls until the end. Did you get nervous that they would outgrow their room? Great grow, though. I just finished reading your experience from start-to-finish. Thank you oh so much for sharing.