Search results

  1. J

    bubbleponic cloner

    very easy. small storage tub, air pump, stone (i used a 5in and worked fine, now i have a 12in)more bubbles the better. well thats about it, put holes in the top of the tub put your water in and hook up your stone. make sure you weigh it down some way. I used fishing sinkers but they rusted...
  2. J

    Question for AUTO growers?

    this might be kinda dumb but the moon puts off light. so wouldnt a little light leak not really matter? just curious cause its not like outside plants have 12 hours of complete darkness every night.
  3. J

    quetions about nutrients

    thanks man that was the one i was looking at getting. online at the hydro store im going its actually like 20 bucks. now i just cant wait to get there.
  4. J

    +rep for help with cloning

    no tubes man fuck all that. just water pump and stone. the only tube is from pump to stone. you just put the cut part of the stem under the water. its really amazing i didnt ph the water or anything set up cost me 12 or 13 bucks all at walmart and will take less room then 10 dixie cups. dont...
  5. J

    quetions about nutrients

    i thought about that for 2 hours last night did the math and all i just wanted to make sure i bought enough. seems like a waste to buy the quart and then have to go back and get a gallon in 4 weeks. since its ten bucks more.
  6. J

    +rep for help with cloning

    personally i would just buy a small plastic bin (mine was clear so i covered it with electrical tape) a 6 dollar air pump from wally world and a 10in air stone. cut holes in the top of the bin (one for each clone) and a hole for the air pump tube. cut your clones at a 45, slice about a quarter...
  7. J

    quetions about nutrients

    bubbleponics, probably wont veg the first 6 and im gonna do a perpetual grow. in the 10 gallon totes, so a 6 gallons of water in the reservoir. i tried to do the math with the recipe to success last night. i think it was 2 tbl spoons per gallon? think for 12 weeks thats only 24 tbl spoons if...
  8. J

    quetions about nutrients

    bump! comon guys noone can tell me if a quart of each micro grow and bloom will be enough for one grow? or how long someone has left a clone in plain water?
  9. J


    anyone ever heard of this strain? i acquired clones from a friend but couldnt find any info on this one.
  10. J

    quetions about nutrients

    how much will i need for a grow. quart gallon or gallons? ive tried to find this but have had no luck. i experimented with cloning 11 days ago. made a bubble cloner and took my first clone. it was a complete success within days i had root nubs and on day eleven the roots were 2 to 3 in...
  11. J

    Tasteful Nudity *no marijuana required*

    just wanna say after 15 pages, yall are great. crazy but great.
  12. J

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    roseman i figured youd be one of the best people to ask. Since im gonna do a hydro grow i need to know a little about nutes. i was looking online at the prices and that stuff is a little expensive. So how much do you use through a typical grow? and what are some good name brands. I was...
  13. J

    how do i flower clones?

    i dont live in tenn just close by and like road trips to places i havent been. not to keen on telling where i live not now with that one bust from riu.
  14. J

    how do i flower clones?

    I have 2 ak mothers and they each have prolly 12 clones on each. I have alot of bills coming up so i dont have the money to do my tent and aero set up right now. I can however throw a little bit of money to a small bubbler system in a night stand or something of that sort. I really just need...
  15. J

    how do i make great mothers?

    i was just curious if there were any special techniques to make great mother plants. I have these two ak clones and i plan on these two being mothers and even maybe one day hermie on and make fem seeds. Thats just my far away dreams:bigjoint:. anyways i would like to get clones as fast as...
  16. J

    short plants? what am i doing wrong?

    5 27w 65k and 1 23w 27k. I have a couple 42w 27k but i dont have the time to figure out how to set them up right now. This grow is some medical strain of ak called ak oozer. I agree on a really strain maybe medical plant because it was cloned but not completely sure. anyways on my last grow...
  17. J

    space, emergency blankets? where?

    yeah thats what i really want but i dont like ordering anything off the web. I try to keep everything between lowes or wally world. Just for the sake of being able to get stuff local. I got the idea from these pvc tents with the (i think they called it) panda plastic. Just thought it would...
  18. J

    space, emergency blankets? where?

    ok so ive walked all around wally world and lowes hundreds of times looking at stuff and just saying to myself i could grow using that. The only thing i seem to not beable to find or find something else for that reason is mylar. I think my town is just not for people who grow because ive...
  19. J

    Can this be fixed

    took mine week or two but it all depends on your environment. how fast it grows or how fast you make it grow i would say. lights, soil, nutes, pH'd water im thinking is a big deciding factor. i still havent been able to get a tester and im sure these things are suppose to grow a little faster...
  20. J

    Can this be fixed

    i agree with cutting. i have two plants that were given to me. I was suppose to get one and he was gonna throw the other out cause it was gonna die. way worse shape then what yours is in, nice named her the icu patient. it continued dying a little more till it got used to the pH if that is...