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  1. widow84

    Advanced Nutrients

    about Big Bud what is better the liquid or the dry ? wanted to buy some but first some reviews of users will be good
  2. widow84

    PH DOWN before the nutes or after

    In my case I use nutes first that brings my ph down , if more needed usually dont I use some ph down
  3. widow84

    Advanced Nutrients

    about Big Bud what is better the liquid or the dry ? wanted to buy some but first some reviews of users will be good :)
  4. widow84

    Start seeds in a paper towel or rock wool?

    I put the seeds in a bowl of water overnight , then in paper towels in a ziplock . when they pop out direclty to the rockwool on a tupperware , and stay in there till they have roots then I use ebb flow with clay
  5. widow84

    Help with my ebbflow using general hydro flora nutes.

    check that table I send you also I go in mine at 1000ppm withno problems
  6. widow84

    Help with my ebbflow using general hydro flora nutes.

    maybe this helps you GENERAL HYDROPONICS :mrgreen:
  7. widow84

    How do you start on hydroponics?

    its easy read all you can instead of asking how to . then when you are stuck you ask :) for me was easy started this hobbie on soil years 10 ago and 2 years ago I change to hydro
  8. widow84

    advanced nutrients

    here you have a thread that talks about AN :mrgreen:
  9. widow84

    64 plant ebb and flow sog purple kush and purple erkle

    great sog ebb flow , just what I was looking for got some new pics ?
  10. widow84

    best hydro-organic nutrient line?

    great tip can I use only the liquid ?
  11. widow84

    Adding air pump to ebb/flow systems...

    I use an long airstone in my reservoir of ebb flow since day 1 , for me it keeps water fresh and in movent
  12. widow84

    Lucas Formula

    thanks notpatient I was just cheking if I was correct :)
  13. widow84

    Lucas Formula

    so by the lucas formula 0-8-16 - For Flowering cycle (12/12) G-M-B (Grow-Micro-Bloom) I should put 88 ml of micro and 176 of bloom in my 11 gal res ?
  14. widow84

    I found a nice little fan

    I got the same one similar here in london very usefull to use at light top of plants easy to manipulate
  15. widow84

    Top or not????

    i have a small closet 4 plants ebb flow with 800w hps I get a bigger crop when I top
  16. widow84

    Ebb & Grow Bucket system - flood cycles

    in my ebb & flow I water first weeks 1 cycle of 15 min then when they get bigger in veg 2 times 30 min each and I end in 3 times 30 min each when lights go on , and before off with one in the middle this system works for me :)
  17. widow84

    Replacing GH Nutes. Which Nutrients are better?

    so by the lucas formula 0-8-16 - For Flowering cycle (12/12) G-M-B (Grow-Micro-Bloom) I should put 88 ml of micro and 176 of bloom in my 11 gal res ?
  18. widow84

    p.h blueberry

    I did blueberry in soil years ago was my 1st grow but now doing hydro if i had that strain would use 6.0 - 6.5 should work
  19. widow84

    Replacing GH Nutes. Which Nutrients are better?

    im not at home now but will try to understand the instructions keep you posted
  20. widow84

    Are these meters any good?

    I got some cheap hanna ph and tds paid for them 14 us$ on ebay each