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  1. Stoneshield

    Help!? Is this a Mg deficiency?

    u can use distilled water in the meantime. may only be a buck a gallon. with ro and distilled make sure u use cal/amg of some sort. goodtimez
  2. Stoneshield

    where to meausre nute ph

    ive had ppl swear by thier runnoff. ive had ppl swear by no caring of ph. and i myself swear that adjusting ph + - .2 can fix certain nute problems (if not adjusting another nuts amount). ive had a botinist tell me that ur runnoff isnt exzactly correct. cant remeber the reason why though. it was...
  3. Stoneshield

    where to meausre nute ph

    thx nullis. + rep for clearity. im still not ready to no mess with ph. im convince that it does make a difference. ive seen a mag def fixed from editing tthe ph .2 so im not ready to throw in the towel yet
  4. Stoneshield

    where to meausre nute ph

    if this is the biggest problem that ive had with organics i would say im a step above the rest. ive never had an issue with organics. NEVER any nute burn, micronute probs(save for late flower) and personly i like the smell of bat poo more than synthetic ferts which smell like something u should...
  5. Stoneshield

    where to meausre nute ph

    come on. any organic growers? theres gotta be some poo lovers out there somewhere. Roots Organic ftw.
  6. Stoneshield

    help pls- confused on # of plants to grow

    ude have a hard time doing 12 under one light. not saying it cant be done but ide imagine there'd be some wispey buds involved. 7ft isnt that much to work with. almost a foot for ur pot. almost 2 feet for light and distance. youve only got 4 ft to work with (not that thats not plenty). if ur...
  7. Stoneshield

    where to meausre nute ph

    this is what im talking about. ive gotten a difference of over a point from one spot in the mix to the other. perhaps another organic grower could answer. using the grocheck meter by hanna (think its hanna).
  8. Stoneshield

    where to meausre nute ph

    by water farm do u mean some kinda hydrophonics? that would be no. for soil. gnats are easy to beat. algae and slime not so much..... or at all. dont overwater kids. goodtimez
  9. Stoneshield

    where to meausre nute ph

    where do you measure your nute solution's ph? using organics there is a large number of undisolved matter that settles to the bottem. this stuff tends to have a higher ph than the more disolved items floating in the water. using a ph probe that reaches down to the bottem, the ph difference from...
  10. Stoneshield

    Can i put my fertilized female back in my flowering room yet? Should I rinse her off

    within 5-7 days you should see the pistals in the areas u pollinated brown and receed back into the calax. dont quote me on the days but that sounds about right. if she has been in there for 2 days i would say a light blowdry (outside and no heat) and perhaps a really good bath. under leaves and...
  11. Stoneshield

    Help please elctric problem

    hehe sry was drinkin and kinda missed ur last sentence. goodtimez
  12. Stoneshield

    Help please elctric problem

    extenion cords shouldnt be used for more than a few days. u need an outlet wire one. if ur gonna have an extenion cord running ur 1k watter i would have to suggest a 10-2 or 12-2 AWG extenion cord. look in ur local hardware store for um. its gonna be a tad expensive for the cord but its better...
  13. Stoneshield

    AHHHH! Just found out my bud is seeded 7weeks in... What should I do?

    think thats the best male/female pic ive seen yet dark. + rep, goodtimez
  14. Stoneshield

    wtf is it salt?

    thats not salt. would lean more toward mold. or residue from ur ferts. i wouldnt worry about salts with organics. when using organics the biosphere takes care of ur extra nutes. breaking them down for the plant to consume. scoop that dirt outta there (white shit). keep us posted. goodtimez
  15. Stoneshield

    I cant get rid of bugs...

    for god sakes dont water with tobacco. get some azatol or azamax and water with that. works fukin great. goodtimez
  16. Stoneshield

    Beginner strains

    bagseed. best strain for beginers. dont waste ur money on genetics till u know what ur doing. dont buy early cause u want ur plant to be all it can be. and if u dont know what to give it so it can be all it can be then i would start simple. search ur couch and car for some spare seeds. lol...
  17. Stoneshield

    Carbon Filter Noob Question

    thoes pc fans arent ment to pull or push air through things, ur gonna need a GOOD inline fan (not one of the cheap shits from ur local hardware) or a cage (or squirl) fan to pull or push through a carbon filter. goodtimez
  18. Stoneshield

    does the price of the light really matter?

    as with anything. if ur gonna invest money into it may as well throw a few extra bucks at it (even if ya dont have it) vs having to replace ur shit a year down the road cause it broke or it sucks. goodtimez
  19. Stoneshield

    put in ceiling or leave open to lofted ceilings?

    plastic and a few 2x4, any room any size. almost instantly airtight, with some great stuff
  20. Stoneshield

    Basement grow

    great stuff. gotta love it, well its great. seals everthing inside and out. goodtimez