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  1. R

    Bagseed 12wks in greenhouse

    that fucking sucks man feel for you
  2. R

    Bagseed 12wks in greenhouse

    looks more and more like my plants every day :( oh how small mine are lol well lets all hope for the female
  3. R

    hey man you plant got any more bigger or have you started 12/12 now ?

    hey man you plant got any more bigger or have you started 12/12 now ?
  4. R

    Bagseed 12wks in greenhouse

    well if you find out i would also love to know i would like mine to get that big :D only little now though
  5. R

    Bagseed 12wks in greenhouse

    hey what strain is that coz it looks very similar to my plant yet i dont know the strain that it is ?