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    flourescent grower switching to hps

    well its a decent size room but i have them on a platform i made thats a couple inches off the ground.. the platform i grow on is 3 ft by 4 ft and i prolly only getting them about 4 foot tall. im just mainly trying to conserve on electricity thats y im kinda skeptical on which to get
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    flourescent grower switching to hps

    ok so im switching from these t8's to a 250watt or 400 watt hps light.. ok now i have a question about them. can i get about 6 plants to grow fine under a 250 watt hps or do i HAVE to go for the 400 watt? opinions?
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    back at it again

    ok so i started with 6 plants only 4 came up.. so im going to lst each of them and get them a couple feet high before i start flowering.. i was wondering if anyone has the link to the index that had EVERYTHING u need to know about growing.. its been awhile since ive grown just need to fresh up...
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    help with aerogarden?

    anyone ever used an aerogarden before?
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    help with aerogarden?

    see u can see down in it that it has roots but nothing is coming up.. like i said.. two weeks and nothin..
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    help with aerogarden?

    ive been using it for about 2 weeks now and nothing has popped up.. i look inside and i see roots but nothing will come up they have been sitting there doing nothing for a week now.. so am i not able to grow in this?
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    question about germinating with aero garden..

    would it matter if i have the lights on while they are germinating? i know germinating is suppose to be in the dark but technically they are covered... so im confused..
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    question on idea for growing..

    ok for now i only have one aero garden.. im buying a second.. but for my first grow could i just take the bag seed and start from 12/12 right at the start than after that once i find the sex's take the balls of some of the males and keep them in a seal bag until i decide to make more seeds if i...
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    approved seed sites to buy from for usa?

    i live in nebraska and was wondering if anyone here in the states buys seeds off sites for quite awhile now and has had no problem with cops or anything..
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    Help with cooling..

    the room after measureing is 8'x10' and probably 8 foot high. i would open the door a couple times a day and the walls have cement around them except one wall so the one wall will let light out and will be noticeable.. so i cant put a hole in it or the door.. i say a diy cool tube on the diy...
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    Help with cooling..

    i grew 3 lovely plants in this area before with 16 t8 florescents but i have to keep the door closed and i cant make any holes or anything in the walls.. so the only time the door will open is when i go in the room..
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    Help with cooling..

    well im going to use CFL's for my vegging than HPS for flower.. im just about to start my seedlings
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    Help with cooling..

    well i dont have much money to spend on the bedding and smell is not too much of a problem i live in the basement so thats where its going to happen. just trying to find some kind of either silent fan or some way to cool the light so i could also get it closer to my plants
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    Help with cooling..

    going to try to get 3 to 4.. i know its alot but im not planning on getting the most amount as possible
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    Help with cooling..

    well i have no way of exhausting the air from the room so thats y im looking for something to make the light not so hot or something
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    Help with cooling..

    well its an isolated room about 8'x8' to 10'x10' and im trying not to use a fan that makes noise... want it really quiet
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    what is a pretty decent priced soil i can get? i was using cactus soil before seemd to work well but i want something that could be better.. ideas?
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    Help with cooling..

    any ideas?? need help
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    Help with cooling..

    ok im buying a 150 watt HPS and i will need a cooling method.. cooling tubes are so expensive (the ones ive seen ) and i dont know of any silent cheap cooling fans.. any ideas?
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    need help with a grow with low watts

    i found on ebay 150 watt hps complete system for 69.99 plus 20 bucks for shipping. now my next problem is how close can i get a 150 watt hps light to the plant? and is there any cool tubes out there for a 150 watt hps?