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  1. B

    1st grow with CFL's 12/12

    Throw away the 4200k bulb as it is useless for the plants. The 6400k lights will be ok, but you also want to have more 2500k bulbs. You want to have the majority of the lights to be in the 2500k temp; no higher than 2700k. You should also implement some 6500k bulbs (in smaller amounts than the...
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    Enough light?

    Your success depends on the wattage of the 4- 5000k bulbs that you have. It also depends on the square footage of the footprint of your box. During veg you do not necessarily need as much wattage and lumens as flowering. During veg, I would say you need to have at LEAST 30+ watts per square...
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    Lightest human-made substance

    This is correct. There are holes in the substance that allow air to occupy the space in between, since the pressures of gasses inside and outside of the substance want to reach equilibrium. If you could somehow seal this material, it would probably displace enough air to float.
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    Question - Light proximity vs space utilization

    I keep my light about 4-5 inches from the tops of the plants. I have 10x26W and 2x55W CFLs on a 6.61 square foot space and my plants are growing close to one inch per day. I see no reason to lower my lights and limit the horizon. I would say that you need to adjust the wattage according to the...
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    What's the PPM of your water going into your supersoil?

    Well, you have to start off by making a list of every single thing that you change from vegetative to flowering, and narrow down the variables to form hypotheses. What did you change? If you have been using well water with no ion buildup in veg and the plants were fine, there may be other...
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    More Reflective? Tin Foil Or flat White Paint?

    Where did you get that figure that Aluminum foil is no more than 55% reflective?
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    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    This is good info. Chlorophyll is most efficient at its energy making processes when interacting with light in the ~425nm range and the ~675nm range. Red and Blue. Use lights in the 6000-6500K range for the vegetative state. 2500-2700K in the flowering state.
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    weed country

    I'm sorry, but most of you are just spewing bullshit and have no fucking idea what you are talking about. The journalist cant get in trouble because of the First Ammendment and shield laws. You ARE ALLOWED to gather and disseminate information even if the subject matter is illegal, its called...
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    first homemade cab

    Why is the box so tall? Are you planning on growing like 1 big plant? Or were you doing something like ScrOG?
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    ok something WEIRD just happened (PLEASE READ)

    It may be a sketchy situation, but as adonis said, they cannot take any legal action for rf; you are being bathed in rf right now, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They can ask you whats going on, but you can reply "i have no idea" or, "I have a really old microwave" (lol) Step 2: double check...
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    You might be a grower if. . .

    you might be a grower if you visit the garden every time youre bored
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    would would a hit of LSD(acid) do to a MMJ plant before harvest??

    nobody here is a chemist or biologist or botanist with a degree, so i would not listen to any advice on here other than dont do it. Waste of acid/ waste of plant if it becomes toxic/ waste of time.
  13. B

    HOMEMADE CO2 system....

    Oh and to the Original Poster, do not direct the CO2 toward your roots. Just get an opaque jug so that light cannot penetrate, and put some yeast, sugar, and water in there, poke a little hole at the top, and let it do work. Jug should be opaque and kept in a somewhat cool (room temp) as to get...
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    HOMEMADE CO2 system....

    the CO2 itself is not visible at all. That is the water vapor condensing on the sublimated CO2 gas and causing light to scatter. Just a fun fact. CO2 is completely invisible with no scent or taste.
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    Everyone Should Know About Trichomes

    yes thats the trichomes. from day 1 of flowering the plants start to produce trichomes, but the plants really starts to look good n frosty when the buds start to get fatter and you can make out what shape that bud will be
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    Governments Are Just Mind Control

    hmm. so then gubernatio must mean guber(control) natio (nation). where did mind control come from dude....
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Looks like some normal leaf discoloration, doesnt look like itll be harmful kind though. Probably just the pheno
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    FDD2BLK We Want Your Glass!!!

    are you like personal friends with him or something.... ur all over his nuts dude lol
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    How Much Do You Smoke?

    All im going to say right now is that its very possible to smoke that much bud all the time lol. Theres not only one lifestyle that people can live guys lol