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  1. Drew B

    Hello from Sydney, Australia.

    yeah sommin like that
  2. Drew B

    Hello from Sydney, Australia.

    teehee brooklyn sort of area. nice place. lots of stoners and everyone know almost everyone round here so smoke ups are pretty common.
  3. Drew B

    Hello from Sydney, Australia.

    so more toward gosford then?
  4. Drew B

    Hello from Sydney, Australia.

    near berowra?
  5. Drew B

    Hello from Sydney, Australia.

    where you at begginer bloomer?
  6. Drew B

    Hello from Sydney, Australia.

    cool. I'm actually about an hour north of sydney in a little river town. Nice and chill.
  7. Drew B

    Bonjour Mademoiselle. I saw you posted in an Australia related thread. I'm new round here, I...

    Bonjour Mademoiselle. I saw you posted in an Australia related thread. I'm new round here, I live about an hour north of Sydney. How about you? Perhaps I will see you around the forum Cheers, Drew.
  8. Drew B

    hey dude. Noticed you posted in an Australia thread. Where abouts in AUS are you from; I'm about...

    hey dude. Noticed you posted in an Australia thread. Where abouts in AUS are you from; I'm about 45 min north of Sydney. Cheers, Drew
  9. Drew B

    Hello from Sydney, Australia.

    thanks moe... I'll see ya round.
  10. Drew B

    Hello from Sydney, Australia.

    High folks, I'm new here. I stumbled across the site once before but decided I'd join tonight. I don't smoke too regularly but sure as hell enjoy it. Two of my best mates are smokers too, I introduced them to the stuff and now they smoke more than me. I'll be introducing them to the site...