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  1. P

    Vote Ron Paul 2012

    Only 3 kinds of non Ron Paul Supporters -uninformed teenagers who copy and paste articles -racists -big goverment control freaks Chesusrice is an example of being all three
  2. P

    Vote Ron Paul 2012

    Good morning RIU...great morning to say FUCK BIG GOVERNMENT CONTROL FREAKS. Haven't you ruined enough lives yet? Haven't you learned your policies suck?
  3. P

    what do David Duke and Louis Farrakhan and paulbots have in common? Titled “The Modern Militia Movement,” the report is dated Feb. 20 and designed to help police identify militia members or domestic terrorists. Red flags outlined in the document include political...
  4. P

    what do David Duke and Louis Farrakhan and paulbots have in common?

    He said he was 16 the first time he came on as dukeanthony and was banned. Now he's back.
  5. P

    what do David Duke and Louis Farrakhan and paulbots have in common?

    They all think ChesusRice doesn't know much about politics
  6. P

    Listen to this man

    It's a start, but he's wrong too often. And by a mile.
  7. P

    Hillary Supporters Know What Fraud is Like A bit long. I didn't follow the dem process in the last election. I did watch some of their debates. Was this in the media at all? Good job exposing the scam. Course little good it did. "This documentary is about the disenfranchising of American citizens by...
  8. P

    Listen to this man

    Really? You made a post that was factual incorrect. Gee I'm really really shocked.
  9. P

    Listen to this man

    Prove it. Put up or shut up time little man. Gold was at 400 in the mid 90's. Great investment for those who saw the dot com and housing bubbles. btw One of those men was Schiff. Keep posting. I get a kick out of consistent ignorance.
  10. P

    Democrats for Romney!!!!

    Another example of dems being big government douchebags. Little difference in the two party big government supporters. Move along nothing to see here.
  11. P

    Ron Paul to be on ballot in Tampa

    sigh...You're quoting Mr Big Government himself. FDR was quite happy having government raise people from cradle to grave. Day is night and night is day with you. Against the ruling elite yet you're all for government being the ruling elite. Your meds need to change. Government is the one that...
  12. P

    Ron Paul to be on ballot in Tampa

    Then quit backing the big government freaks
  13. P

    i heart facebook

    lol yea, I missed that, 36 million he wasn't even close.
  14. P

    Condoleeza as Romney's VP

    The debt rose every year under Clinton. That's whats important. Is taking from Social Security to lower the deficit a good thing? Clinton paid down the public debt by borrowing a lot of money in the form of intragovernmental holdings, mainly Social Security. Working together to manipulate the...
  15. P

    i heart facebook

    He's a little over the top and defending his woman and a bit mixed up. I don't get the correlation between deporting illegals and how that causes jobs for vets. facebook is a security risk imo.
  16. P

    Ron Paul to be on ballot in Tampa

    Not much of a chance imo. The old guard hired a private police force at one of the delegate conventions. The outgoing chairman had them throw out the newly elected chairman. He was an elderly gentleman with a hip problem and they ruffed him up pretty good. I wouldn't wish that even on you. I'm...
  17. P

    Ron Paul to be on ballot in Tampa

    Well that answers why your breath smells like shit.
  18. P

    Ron Paul to be on ballot in Tampa

    Ever hear of lawsuits?
  19. P

    Ron Paul to be on ballot in Tampa

    Then quit voting the same control freaks in that want big government to run your life from cradle to grave. Wake up!
  20. P

    Ron Paul to be on ballot in Tampa

    fascism??Anarchic capitalism??? LMAO Learn what those words mean before you throw them around like a person drunk on the peoples "free money".