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  1. cuzinit

    Earth Juice Nutes, Good or bad?

    do you mind sharing what feeding schedule you use dam612,,Thanks
  2. cuzinit

    Lucas Formula

    ...Lucas magic. Well said trichlone fiend,And a nice set up you have,it looks very productive,,,A WHO-RA to the LUCAS FORMULA,,,Here it is from LUCAS him self...any thing one may need to know about LF
  3. cuzinit

    Lucas Formula

    no not for nobs,you can grow very nice results without any other additives,keeps growing pocket friendly for those who use lots of nutes
  4. cuzinit

    Lucas Formula

    Lucas formula is 0-8-16 for HID lights, And 0-5-10 for fluorescent lights for all stages of growth,But Lucas also has stated that u can get a little better growth in veg with 3 part GH or flora nova grow,this is to say if you veg for long time