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  1. G

    Pets are they apart of your session?

    We didnt feed him x. Thats a waste. we just pet him a lot lol
  2. G

    Pets are they apart of your session?

    Um yeah we dont GIVE the dog e... That would be a waste of a perfectly good bomb. The first time was on accident actually. E is secreted through your skin when you roll so when you pet the dog it gets them rolling bc it takes so much less for them
  3. G

    Pets are they apart of your session?

    I sometimes like to get my cat high. She will just usually look at me stupidly or like she is really confused. Then walk around, stop to stare at shit then stert walking around again. She also tends to run into stuff when she is stoned hahaha My friend had a dog who we used to get rolling...
  4. G

    Seattle Hempfest this weekend

    Damn I really wanna go! Last year me and a group of my friends drove across the state. Popped a bunch of bombs went to hempfest then went to a rave!! One of the best weekends of my life! Unfortunately I have no vehicle to get there now : / Have a lot of fun and eat an extra bomb for me lol
  5. G

    First time taking ccc's

    Delsym was one of the first things I ever took to dex. You get some dxm immediately with it but it is mostly slow extended release. It really makes for not a very strong trip but it also makes it so you just feel really fucked up for a long ass time. Next day on delsym is terrible bc your body...
  6. G

    Girlfriend Killed My Babies... Sigh...

    Damn what a bitch!! My ex boyfriend had some plants growing and he left his roomate in charge of watering and spraying them while he was gone for the weekend. Simple enough right? Well his roomate uses the spray bottle filled with vinegar for cleaning the kitchen rather then the spray bottle...
  7. G

    Are any of these gd shrooms?

    Nope sorry. Those are look alikes for sure!! They would more then likely bruise blue if they were magic mushrooms. Cyanescens or wavy caps are one of the most commonly picked (at least around my area) and the stem turns REALLY blue when you pick them
  8. G

    Favorite show to watch while smoking?

    I'd have to go with some futurama or some venture brothers. Oh the good old days of sitting in anonymiss1969's room just smoking and watching hilarious cartoons.
  9. G

    First time taking ccc's

    Yes that is very true. CCC's and robotussin dont really even compare. I know they say CCC's are really bad for you but I have taken tons of boxes of trip c's and sometimes drank with it and havent ever been sick. You will probably want to check the does calculator. This is a really good one...
  10. G

    triple cs

    Yeah for sure!! I havent always been the smartest drug taker haha
  11. G

    triple cs

    Hell yeah I love your pic! So excited for that movie
  12. G

    Great Stoner Quotes

    So a bunch of us were sitting around smoking and one of my buddies say "Try to blow the smoke out of your ears. I Know it's impossible but it gets you hella high." Of course we all tried haha
  13. G

    triple cs

    Yeah I did the dose calculator... after... And the scary part is that I did it multiple times... Im very lucky to still be alive today. Im a lot safer with my drugs now
  14. G

    Haha thats because we are cool!!

    Haha thats because we are cool!!
  15. G

    triple cs

    I used to eat a lot of tripple c's. My record is 32 multiple times.... but Im a 5ft tall 98 pound person so it probably should have killed me haha I used to start thinking I was a little kid again and just run around really confused about everything but I didnt know why I was so confused by the...
  16. G

    Simple, Yet happiest time.... while smoking

    Hahaha if only we had actually been pulled over!! Imagine 8 or 9 of us just sitting in jail laughing our asses off just because road trips are more fun with more people... even if some have to ride in the trunk!!
  17. G

    Simple, Yet happiest time.... while smoking

    One Time I was driving across the state with some of my besties and we were getting really high and playing the sex game (where you hit the roof and yell sex when you see an out headlight and the last person has to take off an article of clothing). Well I was driving and kept coming in last. Me...