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  1. E

    Spider mites 5 weeks into flowering!! Help!!

    another question i spider mites bite humans??? Cause i first saw them yesterday and now today i have bug bites all over my chest and back......any similar experiences????
  2. E

    Spider mites 5 weeks into flowering!! Help!!

    what kind of alcohol??
  3. E

    Spider mites 5 weeks into flowering!! Help!!

    Ok...what about just cutting the infested plants and removing them???? my other plants look good
  4. E

    Spider mites 5 weeks into flowering!! Help!!

    Ok Everything was going great............until i saw spider mights/ webs on 3 plants that are 5 weeks into flowering. My question is....should i try and treat the plants or cut and remove them from the grow room. It seems the other plants are fine except the three which have webs and obvious...