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    The end of the rope, the terrible choice

    I suffer from clinical depression. I have chronic fatigue that causes me to stay in bed for upwards of 16-18 hours at a time. My mood swings and anxiety are so severe that without marijuana to inhibit and normalize my emotions I would cause serious damage to myself or my property. My normal...
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    Indoor growing, light sourse help?

    something you should think about is dividing your grow tent into two areas, a veg and bloom room. You can still harvest 1 at a time, but at least you can have some youngun's coming through the veg room ready to fill that empty spot :)
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    wen germinating seeds in papertowell

    Can you take a picture and attach it? Mold can grow on virtually anything moist, but you want to make sure you're not confusing the root hairs for mold. After that white taproot extends from the shell about 1-2cm, tiny white root hairs will develop along the length of the root. If you leave a...
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    Indoor growing, light sourse help?

    Sticked under "101 already asked questions" under the newbie forum :) Lots of useful links for both newbies and pros alike in that one thread.
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    Need some help sexing these babies.

    Check out the picture I attached for some help. As you can see from the level of magnification in the picture, it isn't really possible for us to tell anything from your pictures without a much closer view of the nodes.
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    Light cycle please help

    You're good to make the switch. I'll spare you the rant, but after a fair amount of research I have yet to find a single scientific source, other than random people on the forums, that supports 24 hours of continuous light increases cannabis growth or yield. In fact, every non-cannabis piece...
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    Couple questions, germination and after...

    Hey Sheik, it wasn't too long ago I was in your same position so hopefully I can answer all your questions. Congratulations on starting your first grow! LIGHTS First, your light is not going to work for your grow unfortunately :( The type of light you have is actually not a CFL (compact...
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    First DWC/White Russian ------Advice please...

    Great colas, I could never hope to harvest a yield that large with my tiny setup, but maybe the Flora nutes will give me at least a couple :)
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    First DWC Grow with Pics

    Uploader is working again.
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    First DWC Grow with Pics

    Just got the rest of the flora series in the mail so I went ahead and flushed the reservoir. I switched the 2 105w CFLs out for 3 42w CFLs and I'm pretty happy with the results. TEMP (F) (min/max) 2 x 105w : 80/91 3 x 42w : 69/79 Plus, since I can drop the lights lower the plants are...
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    24 hour light cycle during veg??

    There is something else possible I forgot. Since in an indoor grow situation it's possible to greatly speed up when flowering happens, maybe vegetative growth is not long enough a period (say 2-6 weeks?) for significant damage to occur, and 24/0 actually does excel in that short a time frame...
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    24 hour light cycle during veg??

    bongsmilieTL;DR? -IF IT WORKS FOR YOU FINE. MANY GROW IN 24/0 AND IF YOU'RE HAPPY WITH YOUR YIELD THEN KUDOS. -A plant takes light for food. When it's "full," it takes excess unused light and expends the energy as heat. -If a plant is full, and is unable to expend incoming photons as heat...
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    Modified Aerogarden GH nutrient mixing questions

    What it means by premixing is don't mix the Gro, Micro, and Bloom together, THEN add that mixture to water. As long as you're adding each solution into your water one at a time you're fine. Do not use a separate gallon for each solution; the easiest way is to add the nutes to a single gallon...
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    First DWC Grow with Pics

    2 days away from the first reservoir refill, and also when I increase the nutes from seedling stage to growth stage. The plants are doing well; in the pic below you can see the difference in root mass from just 3.5 days. I'm glad I've switched from 24/0 to 18/6 because the roots definitely...
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    First DWC Grow with Pics

    Clone Cabinet Specs: 2 x 105w CFLs (6500K) (24/0, switching to 18/6) Bagseed Emergency Blankets ($4 at Walmart) General Hydroponics Flora Nutrients (FloraGro/Micro/Bloom) 2 gallon container 2 x 10" airstones 2-outlet air pump 2 x 120mm PC Case fans Using this as a sort of journal/help for any...
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    Major Noob has questions

    Something you can do is gently remove the soil above the seed to see what's going on. Sometimes you think you got a dud, but when you dig down you see that the cotyledons opened upside down and can't force it's way up, or you packed the soil too tight. Or sometimes you do really have a dud...
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    2x2x4 Grow Tent - need help

    Super Cropping tutorial
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    first grow. help me out!

    Of that 8 weeks, how much of that time includes germination/seedling stages? 8 weeks seems a little long for a veg phase, here's the schedule I usually follow: Germination: 2-3 days Seedling: 1 week Veg Growth: 1 week Agressive Veg Growth: 3 weeks Transition: 1 week Agressive Bloom: 4 weeks...
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    First Grow for a Girl

    Hey girl, congrats on your grow! To answer some things in your original post: Wide leaves are just fine; if anything they indicate the presence of an indica (short, bushy plant with fat leaves) vs. a sativa (tall, lanky plant with longer, thinner leaves.) Be happy, fat wide leaves = more...
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    vegetative and flowering nutes

    I would start adding 1/4 nutes when you have 2 sets of true leaves, then ramp it up to full at around 3-4 nodes. You are correct in the guanos: for veg you want high nitrogen, medium phosphorous and potassium; for bloom you want high phosphorous, medium nitrogen/potassium. Mexican guano is...