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  1. J

    Leaves Curling Up AND Down

    So here is my plant, doing better then ever, and i haven't used nutes for almost a month now and just give it water with a pH of 6.1-6.8 every 3 or 4 days (or sometimes longer depending on the amount of sunlight) Should I start feeding it nutes yet or just keep waiting a bit more until it gets...
  2. J

    How 2 Lower PH in Soil..

    How many drops of lemon juice should i add to a 1.75L container?
  3. J

    over water?

    Are your plants starting to flower/bud yet? and how much fertilizer are you using and what kind? Cuz it looks like it needs nitrogen. How often do you water also?
  4. J

    Flowering/budding with ENOUGH yellowing

    Do you have a picture of that cuz i don't quite understand what you're describing.. And i finally moved my plants to more sunlight and they are looking LIVEEE! i also flushed them the other day too. How much and how often should i water these plants?
  5. J

    Leaves Curling Up AND Down

    uwwww, doubt.. I flushed it twice already and today was the second time i did it. It's looking a lot bigger and stronger, but the leaves that were starting to dry are still a bit dry. Updated pictures will come soon!
  6. J

    How 2 Lower PH in Soil..

    My pH of my water is at 7.2! (N) Does anyone know if vinegar will lower the pH, how much vinegar and by how much the pH is lowered?
  7. J

    go LIVE CHAT!!

    go LIVE CHAT!!
  8. J

    niggas r us check it out...

    niggas r us check it out:
  9. J

    Flowering/budding with ENOUGH yellowing

    I know about checkin the pH level and correcting it if it isnt between 6-7, but what is PPm and what do i do to fix problems with that???
  10. J

    Leaves Curling Up AND Down

    I can't really start over because it is already august and too late in the season.. But now my leaves that were turning different colours and curling are now starting to dry up, what do I do?? Please, someone with experience of growing outdoors, tell me what is happening..
  11. J

    Too much K? Too little Mag? PH? Yellow wilted leaves

    What did you use to test your soil, Bubba? :O Because i am have the exact same problems, but with my outdoor plants.
  12. J

    Leaves Curling Up AND Down

    LAX Skunky BwS sound like it would work, how sure are you tho??
  13. J

    Dont let everyone fool ya!

    Ya okay buddy, i tried that and my leaves are curling and shit.. i thought i could do the same thing... negative! check mine out:
  14. J

    Would you hire this guy?

    Lmfaoooo! this guy lives close to me in Canada! :P
  15. J

    Flowering/budding with ENOUGH yellowing

    No, no, nooo guys.. The first few pictures are when the plants were in my backyard but then my dad was sayin they were too big for my yard, so i moved them.. Now, as you can see from the last couple pictures, i moved them into a forest. And since it is in flowering, i thought it would be better...
  16. J

    Flowering/budding with ENOUGH yellowing

    My trees that are starting to flower/bud are over 5 feet and the other is over 6 feet. They are about 1 week into flowering so i just recently noticed the flowers coming up.. Now the problem i am having is that a lot of my bottom leaves (most) are turning yellow AND drooping and dying :( What...
  17. J

    Leaves Curling Up AND Down

    I flushed her and the water came running out but now the top leaves look really fat and big, like it is filled with water itself, and all/most of the leaves are just drooping downwards. Will the plant correct itself and the droopness if i just let it do it's own thing in the sun?
  18. J

    Leaves Curling Up AND Down

    If my little plant is going through nuteburn, what do i do to correct it because i don't use very much fertilizer and haven't fertilized it for almost 2 days now?? I read somewhere that flushing it and letting the watter run out is good when the plant is going through a nuteburn, is that true?
  19. J

    Leaves Curling Up AND Down

    I don't water my plant enought where it comes out from the bottom of the pot though.. And the water that i use to water my MJ is filtered tap water that i let sit out aswell. and just two days ago, i bought and added fertilizer (Liquid Plant Food [10-15-10] with 0.1% Iron, 0.05% Mangnese and...
  20. J

    Leaves Curling Up AND Down

    How do you use that, do you put that directly into the soil?