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  1. I

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    How can I connect these 3 LEDs with 2 fans so that they are all on 1 plug?
  2. I

    PC Grow: hurtles, hurtles, and more hurtles

    I have finished gutting the case and it looks pretty good, now I need to light proof the box and figure out how I should wire the LEDs + fans tomorrow. 3 more questions: In a PC grow, since space is limited, should the lighting schedule be 24/0 (veg) and 12/12 (flowering), or should it be...
  3. I

    PC Grow: hurtles, hurtles, and more hurtles

    Hey everybody, So I'm starting my first real grow in a PC case because I can't have my parents find out, that would be bad. Instead of making a thousand "how the hell do I do this?" threads I'll just ask all my questions in this thread. So first off, I'm in the proccess of gutting the PC but...