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  1. Liberal Stoner

    Yet another reason not to watch fox news.....

    I guess in your dream world with space gods and rush is president known as lala land i must be. Don't forget to take your meds ok? Dont want you to miss your death panel. Oh nevermind SUPER CHANNEY WILL SAVE YOU LMAO
  2. Liberal Stoner

    Yet another reason not to watch fox news.....

    LOL whatever man You not worth argueing with PLEASE RUN RUN FOR OFFICE. That way I know which way to bet on that election. The other guy LOL
  3. Liberal Stoner

    Yet another reason not to watch fox news.....

    Um no He done proved others you birthers are why the republicians are not seriously taken anymore lol Is Ron Paul the only true republician left. I think he is.
  4. Liberal Stoner

    Yet another reason not to watch fox news.....

    No obama is from Hawaii Not from the southeast sorry
  5. Liberal Stoner

    Yet another reason not to watch fox news.....

    usa, southeastern not goin any further with location for my reasons
  6. Liberal Stoner

    Yet another reason not to watch fox news.....

    Sorry not best grammar. USA
  7. Liberal Stoner

    Yet another reason not to watch fox news.....

    Man I am so tired of people thinking that Some things should not be a for profit Indrusty, that we got to do something before we make earth uninhabitable, that we Dont have to go to war over oil, and YES if you are rich you DO owe the society that allowed you to prosper a Little more tax and it...
  8. Liberal Stoner

    New Place New Grow DWC T5/400 hps

    MAN THEY DIDN'T EVEN GO INTO THE ROOMS!!!! Anyway think I will be set back up in the next few hours.
  9. Liberal Stoner

    New Place New Grow DWC T5/400 hps

    Oh crap the bug sprayers are coming in tomorrow!!!!!!! Will be busy tonights making everything look kosher. LOL at least I can hide the plants easy.
  10. Liberal Stoner

    Mail order acid potency?

    Ok Please send me the link too. Been looking for a year now and no one in my area has any
  11. Liberal Stoner

    mag deficency??? help???

    I grow using DWC so I not 100% for sure But thats sounds high for PH. Also would start some dilluted nutes after you get the PH right. Did it start as little reddish brown dots? I have only done 2 plants in soil (did 2 im dwc and fell in love with it) so not an expert here. But when I did I...
  12. Liberal Stoner

    New Place New Grow DWC T5/400 hps

    Ok well here is my UPDATE. I got mylar up now and am using some old poly as a backing. Also go some work done in the closet. And my seeds are growing up. Well here yall go
  13. Liberal Stoner

    1st Grow figured id give it a try

    Since you are using cfl's, You shouldn't need too much. Some induction duct fans or Computer fans should do it but deffently need to start on reseaching Filtering the air so your whole house don't smell. And when they flower it will. But how you filter the air is a personal choice. I use a...
  14. Liberal Stoner

    mag deficency??? help???

    what nutes/ soil are you using?
  15. Liberal Stoner

    mag deficency??? help???

    Yep I will get it when I go in the room in the Morning
  16. Liberal Stoner

    What have you done to cover up the fact that your high?

    Clear eye, Jack Daniels, and incences
  17. Liberal Stoner

    mag deficency??? help???

    Starts using magical, spray the fowlage but I'm not 100% sure if its a Mag def and too tired to go get my MJ growing bible.
  18. Liberal Stoner

    1st Grow figured id give it a try

    What type of venting/ filtering air solutions have you come up with?
  19. Liberal Stoner

    nyc,ak47,bb,hk 400 watt grow dwc fogger mister sog

    Hey man sorry to here about the seed bank man. But i am watching this thead now.
  20. Liberal Stoner

    New Place New Grow DWC T5/400 hps

    Ok, well I Just moved into this place 1 month ago. I got an Extra room in my new place so I Got My room. (can't do full room grow though :cry: )bongsmilie Anyway I am doing 2 setups, veg and bloom. Veg is a 4 Tube T5 4 footer. Bloom is a 400 watt HPS in the closet. I have used the veg...