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  1. T

    How To Transport Plants?

    I'm getting transfered again and I have two plants about 4 weeks old. They are hydro plants and I have tem in a aero garden . Is there any way to take them out and move them? It is only about a 3 hour drive to where I am going...
  2. T

    new at this PLEASE HELP!!!!

    I'm new at this butt i saved one plant and have two new plantsdoing great from what ive read on this site. So thanks to eeryone that has enough time to fiqure this out. ive read on here that to help the plant you putt dry ice in the water? How mutch do you put in and how often? Ive allso herd...
  3. T

    Aero Garden Help 2

    here are the pics[/IMG]
  4. T

    Aero Garden Help 2

    do yall ever mist your plant. this is my first grow ever. here are some pics can some one please tell me what i have going on. yeah i know they loook like SHIT but i didnt really know what to do and every one has a difrent opinion so this grow may be a complete lost but i would love to be able...