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  1. cbudsgrow

    19 day old seedling/plants pictures

    hay whats goin on this is my first time growing and i got this seed out of one of my sacs its a mystrie seed and i have no idea what it could be iv see nalout of plants befor but i dont think iv ever seen one that has purple branches and steams at such a early age it just started showing sex if...
  2. cbudsgrow

    Qwerg's 400w HPS/Metal Halide Grow!

    can anyone help me out and tell me what kind of bud im growing i no its some type of sativa from the leaves but the stems/branchs are dark purple and red i dont no how to put pictures on this but my display pic is the picture of my plant and i got some in my album i hope u guys can help me out
  3. cbudsgrow

    12/12 from Clone, how does she Look?

    hay whats gowing on guys i started growing this plant not to long ago and its starting to flourish with color , iv grown befor but i have no idea what kind this is, the stems/branches are very young and very dark purple/red, i no its a type of sativa i think but im not sure any of you all have...