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  1. X

    Help with nutrient deficiency (pics and time-lapse inculded)

    I'm 1.5 weeks into veg and around day 3, I first noticed that the stems turned from green to purple. I also noticed some yellowing / brown spots on the lower leaves. The guy at the Hydroponics store said they look magnesium deficient, so during my nute change, I increased Cal-Mag from 3ml per...
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    help me diagnose this plant deficiency / over-fertilization

    anyone have an idea whats wrong with these leaves ? they came from a plants being grown in aeroponics that are ~2 weeks old
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    aeroponics with natural sunlight and 1000W HPS

    hi was thinking about setting up a room that has an aeroflo60 with skylights on the roof to allow natural sunlight to enter the room while using a 1000w HPS on a light mover to supplement it. does anyone out there think that this would be a bad idea? the only trouble i could imagine running into...
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    *Help me diagnose nutrient problem (PICS)*

    earlier this morning i still saw my leaves curling and panicked a bit and dropped my PPM to 400. i know thats really low for week 4 flowering plants, but i didn't want to risk anymore damage. i came home today and took some pics it appears that my plants are recovering from the slight nitrogen...
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    *Help me diagnose nutrient problem (PICS)*

    i dropped the nitrogen down and i'll have pics up later on this week. it gets around 70ish with the lights on, the lamp did seem a bit too close so i pulled them up a few inches. right now my PPM is 700. i'm worried i'll burn them so i'll be increasing the nute load slowly. im running week 4...
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    *Help me diagnose nutrient problem (PICS)*

    thanks for the input. do you think i should hold my nutes here at 70% strength?
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    *Help me diagnose nutrient problem (PICS)*

    Hello everyone. I've been known to mess up while doing hydro/aeroponics because i don't have much experience yet, and i've burned my last grow pretty bad lol. I've noticed that my plants appear to be somewhat having a nutrient issue and would like help identifying and solving the situation. I...
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    Aeroflo2 36 OG Yoda grow

    Thanks bro. EC is just another units for PPM my ppm is about 900ppm. I think i might be running my nute strength a bit high but like im running @ 75% nute strength?! There are a lot of guides online for a DYI aerogarden. I suggest looking at a pipe dreams build i recall seeing online somewhere.
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    Aeroflo2 36 OG Yoda grow

    7/6/11 Nute change: 40 Gallon R/O water 75% nute strength Aquaflakes A+B @ 225ML Dripclean 14ML Roots excelurator 44ML Multi-Zen 152ML smallest plant 14" tallest plant 22" EC = 1.3 PH = 5.8 7/8/11 Any ideas on what is happening to my leaves? I've never had this happen...
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    Aeroflo2 36 OG Yoda grow

    I think that i may have been overwatering my plants or i have a nutrient issue. here are some pics of the leaves, can anyone gimme a hand? 7/5/11
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    Aeroflo2 36 OG Yoda grow

    Hello everyone! This will be my first aeroflo2 grow. I will be making a lot of mistakes so hopefully i'll learn from them by making a grow log and getting feedback by posting it here. My specification are: Aeroflo2 36 site 6.5' x 6.5' x 6.5' grow tent 1000W HPS digital ballast light 1/4 Horse...
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    GDP: 36-Site Aeroflo LED

    hi. im also looking to run an aeroflo 36, and i have 2 questions. the first one is which cycle are you using on the house and garden nutrient chart (8 week or 11), and what are your timers set to as far as feeding goes. thanks! -john