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  1. K

    Ministry of Cannabis. Need advice.

    I have had very good results from MOC. As far as strains go, I grew Little Devil last summer unfortunately insects eat 4 of the plants The one that made it was very heavy with buds and excellent in quality. I tried again with Little Devil but it was to late in the season they all came up but...
  2. K

    Is legit?

    cannabisseeds.ripoff is just that I never got any thing back not even a e-mail Ministry of cannabis has got a good sale going right now 50% off they even replace all the seed from my order when I had a problem. Had new ones in six day to USA...
  3. K

    Seed Bank Review

    I was stupid and fell for cannabisseed.rip_off sent cash never even got a thank you. Did have good luck with ministry of cannabis they even replace with new seeds for free. I now believe it was some kind of florida little bug, even smoked the male when he had to leave use it was some of...
  4. K

    Has ANYONE used this seed bank they seem relly cheap to trust

    Just went out to check mail hope maybe to give cannabisseed.rip_off the benefit of the doubt no just something from gico its not the money but they are all over the place and you just can't call the cannabis police, they must know how to use google adwords or some thing. When I email a...
  5. K

    Liberal Lies On Health Care I

    Hey man I have relatives and friends in both Canada and UK and this Idea that they are rushing over here in drove for our health care is a load of crap and they love there system Before I got laid off I had insurance and my wife went in for an operation the Doctor sent her for some test...
  6. K

    Has ANYONE used this seed bank they seem relly cheap to trust

    I like a fool was to much in a hurry to check them out before, it been about a month and not even a e-mail rip off. I tried this place a little over week ago an there already germ, all them are already up with leafs Good looking seed...
  7. K

    Has ANYONE used this seed bank they seem relly cheap to trust

    you see ads every where on the net. So I thought they were legit. I emailed them about 18 days ago with a couple questions and got one e-mail back to refer back to site and no answer to my question. I sent $20 cash because I thought the sale was ending and was in a...