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  1. bongboystrikesagain

    Paying too much for seeds

    yeah just go to and check out the "Doggies Nuts" catagory. there's a bunch of interesting things on that site. thanks for the advice guys, toke that smoke.
  2. bongboystrikesagain

    NewBie Alert

    i'm not a lady. i'm a boy.
  3. bongboystrikesagain

    Paying too much for seeds

    i hear you guys, but some of these sites are boasting some pretty great hybrids and shit. like medicinal shit. i'm just curious if anyone has actually bought $200 seeds and has seen the results, as opposed to $40 kush or w/e.
  4. bongboystrikesagain

    Paying too much for seeds

    hey, new to rollitup. just curious if anyone has paid over $200 for 10 seeds on any website. i think it's ridiculous but some of the sites look convincing like please let me know.