Hey Guys,
Having a pretty sweet Veg right now just picked up a mars hydro 900W and ditched my MH lights. ( too much heat and fans)
Loving life right now my current setup is the mars and then about 8 tube fluorescents with tubes designated for growing.
my question is when i switch to...
right now im running on faith .. im not growing to sell or to be rich or anything i just planted 2 seeds and this is what i got...(lolllll) i hope no one taxes em but thats the risk you take planting two seeds in may and leaving em outside till octoberr
private reserve from speedy seeds..... only grew 2 plants this yr....quite the year used a bunch of tecniques and they all worked ;) pics are all taken in the last 3 weeks..... still have quite a bit till there ready ..... my guess...... great times
HEres some updated pics......plus a couple shots of another plant ive got out still not sure the strain.........btw i have topped both these plants and the results speak for themselves..... got 3 chunky top nugs on the blueberry...... critisism is welcomed......except for ur microscope...
thanks alot guys! nice to see some nice ppl out there!, im just taking it day to day right now ill try to keep updating some pics if possible, im hoping the plant will live through this lil patch of shit weather cuz better weather is ahead, the plant is looking way to healthy if u ask...
wow buddy you must be smoking shitty weed...............no creativity...........if ur gonna bring it than bring it if not stop osting on my thread ... cuz believe it or not i put the pics up for ppl to enjoy and critique ...... i didnt put it up to get a lecture about...
hahahahah i love it........learn how to read next time.....if someone clearly states there not doin something why do u open ur big mouth and say it anyways......this site should have a special membership for dicks like you..........soo geeeeeving ill be smoking my blueberry soon enough...
thanks alot man aprreciate ur input......im gonna take it day by day if i get one more mouldy bud on her though it'll be time to take the lil princess to prom lol
This plant has been in flower since the second week of august......my main worry is mold.....in ontario weve been gettin really shitty waether........idealy id love to have this thing go till oct 23 but im gettin scared cuz i have already lost 4 beauties to mould....FML lol thanks for...