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  1. H

    watering question

    ok so this is a watering question suppose i had two plants one is about 28" tall and the other just a few inches less. they are both in a grow box about 2 square feet and it is about 4 ft tall they are now flowering both girls. I'm using about 250 watts of fluro bulbs and the temp stays at a...
  2. H

    hermie potency

    ok so i got a hermie, i have heard from many sources that seed production does not effect resin production but could the production of male flowers effect resin production? And if it does how much potency is lost from these plants? Keep in mind that i have been carefully getting rid of as many...
  3. H

    household compost, someone help

    thanks widow
  4. H

    household compost, someone help

    Does anyone know of a good phosphorus rich food i can use as compost during the flowering stage, just anyuthing around the house. I have the store bought feeders but I was wondering if there was anything else?
  5. H

    Organic nutes?

    does anyone know of any good household foods i can use for compost that are high in phosphorus for flowering, other than store bought feeders. any help would be great