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  1. rakki fujin

    can i control the size of my plant

    hello, is there a way i can control the size of my plant and make it bud up ? like i want to keep my plant small and make it bud, im fine with keeping it small and not having much weed grow. thanks
  2. rakki fujin

    my seed is taking, when do i plant in soil ?

    didnt expect so many replys so soon, thanks everyone for your advice , good luck to you all that are are starting to grow and i hope all your plants bud up nice :-P
  3. rakki fujin

    my seed is taking, when do i plant in soil ?

    hello i am germinating my seed in a tin with damp paper towl and distilled water, its taken about 3 days and there is about 2-3 mm of sprout, when will be the best time to pot it im growing outside but i would also like to use hydro chemicals, what would be good chemicals to use to make it a...