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  1. G

    8 Weeks Flowering Little Smell ???

    scratch and sniff wouldnt work so well with little smell
  2. G

    Flowering for 20 days now... no sign of

    all cfls... 1 42w 2700, 4 26w 2700k, and 3 26w 6500k, on two plants
  3. G

    Flowering for 20 days now... no sign of

    would switching it back to 24/0 do anything
  4. G

    Flowering for 20 days now... no sign of

    Its been 20 days since i turned over to 12/12 and i have yet to verify what sex my plants are. They vegged for 4 weeks and are about 3 feet tall and they just seem to be growing still with no sex showing. Is there anything I can do to like shut the lights off for a day to shock it or something?
  5. G

    when to trim/what to trim

    i was asking so i didn't hurt them
  6. G

    when to trim/what to trim

    Hey i just put mine into flowering and a friend told me i should trim the fan leaves that have red stems/branches because they just take light and energy. Do you guys agree?:joint:
  7. G

    Brown Tips on leaves

    What is this browning on the tips of leaves? It is happening to every leaf. Even the ones that are far from the 4 CFLs that are growing the plant. The ph is 6.1. It is in first week of flowering and is fed with fox farms tiger bloom every week
  8. G

    My CFL grow.

    then dont ask when to flower
  9. G

    CFL Lights for Super Skunk grow

    I have 3 42w 2600k lights on this right now. What do you think it will produce if i leave 3 cfls on it through flowering. I am most likely putting a 250w hps on there when it starts though. -If i have mids growing around do you think it will affect the growth or anything of the super skunk
  10. G

    NEWB with so many questions regarding the AG!

    if you read any of the threads like you said, all of your questions would be answered
  11. G

    construction of a tree fort

    how can you get away with your whole backyard filled with ganja? It looks like the plant can be seen from the neighbors yard?