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  1. bikerguy333

    Wife Wants A Divorce For Smoking and Growing Weed!!!!

    So i havent posted on here in awhile but saw this and wow.Is this me?Im going thru the same thing right now.Was married for 4 years to a lady i thought to be the nice most caring hot girl that didnt smoke."My bad wont do that again."Ive been smoken for many year befor i met her and had told her...
  2. bikerguy333

    help with homemade aeroponics

    well uys thanks for the help in the start of this i got them to the end and was wondering can i cut a plant down a day without it hurting the rest of you can see in my setup i have three plants in one tube.thanks for looking
  3. bikerguy333

    Just trying to get smarter!!!

    Then only reason im running it is im new dont know everything and this stuff has no chunks of anything to clog my sprayers. but do you see howthe leafs are turning down and cupping what would cause that.Thanks for the replys going good so far.
  4. bikerguy333

    Just trying to get smarter!!!

    sorry and then i got high.
  5. bikerguy333

    Just trying to get smarter!!!

    So in here are some pics of my aeroponics set up under a 600 watt hps temps between 67-77 day and night. humity 38-45.Feeding them advance nutes micro grow bloom. and some genral hydro sugar.there 4 to 5 weeks into flower.
  6. bikerguy333

    Coco Growers Unite!

    ya thanks for the help. guys
  7. bikerguy333

    bubba kush pics dam they look good

    Im still to new to start breeding yet.some day i will be good enought to do shit like that.I just got my med card last june so im still learning but have learned alot do to being unemployed for now.but i just going to keep trying to find that right plant.
  8. bikerguy333

    Coco Growers Unite!

    so im still haveing problem staring my seeds off in roots organic coco and i flushed the coco before puting them in there because last time the seed turn yelow very quick like a burn.but this time i started them off in 12 to 16 oz party beer cups with flush coco they looked awsome but now they...
  9. bikerguy333

    bubba kush pics dam they look good

    Me to i love bubba.taste fuking awsome.I wish i could find somthing like bubba but with a better yeild.
  10. bikerguy333

    bubba kush pics dam they look good

    so this is on my sec med grow and im very happy with how it turned out she was rushed because med cost to much so she was hacked at 6 weeks 5 day and she is a strong still.
  11. bikerguy333

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Thanks guys i had a feeling thats what i was doing i was just scard to give them more food because i didnt want to burn them more then they look now.So i was just wondering what ppm should i start them out on and should i keep trimming off the dead stuff till shes ready for harvest or let them...
  12. bikerguy333

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Sorry of course im use fox farm nutes when i feed it at begin of flower i gave it a little tiger bloom ,grow big and big to a 1:1:1 ratio dont know the actual n p k ratio tho I could get back to you on that.gave them a drink of 800 ppm and its been no good since.been flushing since...
  13. bikerguy333

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I hate to just jump in but i bet somone on here knows?Is roots org coco any good right out of the bag.i try to start seeds in it like you would soil and they fry is what it looks my question is roots org any good or sould i do straight coco? i want better control of my grow.thanks to all.
  14. bikerguy333

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    the top 10 are white rhino the lower ones are super skunk.thanks again!!!!
  15. bikerguy333

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    here you go uncle ben.I hope this helps you help me because im confused.i have flushed a couple times now and it looks to be getting worse.from what i have gatherd is the super skunk got nute burnt and the white rhino is lacking somthing but that is hopfully where you come in.thanks for looking tho.
  16. bikerguy333

    BuBBa KusH. Yield questions

    ya just checked it more like week 6
  17. bikerguy333

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    So im sorry to just hop into this thread.A couple of guys on here told me to find uncle ben so this is were i start.Im on my sec medical grow and i growing in 5 gal pots with roots org soil they are 6weeks into flowering i veg for 5 weeks.can you please help me is this nute burn or a...
  18. bikerguy333

    BuBBa KusH. Yield questions

    i just wanted to put a pic up of my bubba. What a name for such a sexy girl.she looks so good