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  1. shadowlord


    Well, I can see where 2C-E gets the reputation of being similar to LSD. It was very much like a cross between LSD and Mescaline. The trip was LSD like but I could tell that it wanted to be more visual. 10 mg was taken, 20 mg might have been better but this was the first experience and I didn't...
  2. shadowlord

    Mescaline in Cactuses

    Erowid, entheogen, Mycotopia,shroomery. They are all great sites. I probably wouldn't have found them if I didn't meet and talk to people in the Hallucinogens/Other plants forums. So, no, I wouldn't come here to learn about these things. But it good to share info and point people in the right...
  3. shadowlord

    Mescaline in Cactuses

    But isn't this the Hallucinogens Forum? And Mescaline is Mescaline. If you extracted from a L.Williamsii or S.Pedro you would just have a differing amount of mesc per weight. Now if you are talking consuming the cacti or making a tea of it, then there would be a difference as there are...
  4. shadowlord


    I'm mostly excited because I've heard good things and It will be a new experience. I've tried LSD, 'Shrooms, Cacti-Mescaline, and DMT but haven't tried any of the C series R.C.'s Heard so much good stuff about the 2C-E that when the chance came I had to jump on it! I'll post a trip report by...
  5. shadowlord


    Phenethylamines can cause stomach discomfort. And everybody is different. Most people I know like 'Shrooms and trip really well off of them, I however always just end up feeling cold, sad and depressed and feeling way hung over. Now if I take LSD, Things are always great. But I have heard others...
  6. shadowlord

    Mescaline in Cactuses

    You can cut in up fresh and boil it to make tea. Or you can dry it out and do an ISO extraction for mescaline freebase ( just like making hash oil ), Or you can dry it out ( or buy it dry ) and do an A/B extraction to get pure Mescaline. Lots of info on this subject at or
  7. shadowlord

    Mescaline in Cactuses

    Just as kdox says, there are several of the Tricocherous family that contain the magic. The Peruvian Torch, the San Pedro and the Bridgesii are indeed the most common and are legal to own and grow. They grow very quickly and are not endangered like the peyote are from over-harvesting. You can...
  8. shadowlord


    It is as yet unregulated according to Erowid, though they caution that it could be considered a 2C-B analog it could still be prosecuted. So basically a grey area.
  9. shadowlord


    Looking forward to experiencing this substance myself. Being part of the Phenethylamine family, it should be pretty visual. We'll find out soon!
  10. shadowlord


    Well, actually got a hold of some 2C-E. Or supposed to be anyway LOL! I plan to give it whirl this weekend, so we'll see how it goes!
  11. shadowlord

    Tail end of Shadowlord's BH and B.OG. Kush Grow

    Sorry that there hasn't been much in the way of updates, but there hasn't been there hasn't been a whole lot of interest as you can see from the many posts and I didn't have much time to take pictures as the thick nugs had to to be cut to pieces to stop mold/ bud rot from trying to get a...
  12. shadowlord

    Driving On Salvia

    Hell, I have a hard enough time walking to the grocery store while tripping on LSD. I sure as hell can't imagine doing Salvia or DMT anywhere except on my couch,bed or out in the woods with trusted friends! You know, the ones that will calm you down, not try to freak you out so they can get a...
  13. shadowlord

    Driving On Salvia

    I think he actually intended to and got a little too lost in Sally~land. That's why I was glad he took his toke w/ the key out of the ignition.
  14. shadowlord

    Driving On Salvia

    At least he wasn't already driving when he took his toke!! That cat must have blew his mind! LOL! I'm still not used to DMT yet.I think I'll hold off on the Salvia for a little while!
  15. shadowlord


    ^^Yeah, I don't go to the clubs either. If it is lab made, then I doubt I'll ever come across any. Oh well, I'll just have to keep my eyes/ears open!
  16. shadowlord

    Tail end of Shadowlord's BH and B.OG. Kush Grow

    Hello everyone. I haven't posted any grow threads since I became a member here so thought I would show the end of my current crop and then show pics of the next generation of clones etc as things progress. Here are some photos taken recently of my Blockhead and Banana OG Kush grow:
  17. shadowlord


    How does one come across it? Is it something the home extractor/chemist can produce or is it a club drug that only a lab can produce? I could look it up, but since we got a thread going! As an LSD/Mescaline Fanatic I am always looking for new and exciting, positive psychedelic experiences.
  18. shadowlord

    morning glories

    Tripping on MG or HBWR seeds seems to be a hit or miss proposition. I have heard both good and bad. From what I have read doing and alcohol or CWE ( Cold Water Extraction ) is the best way to go. I have some MG seeds ( only about 3-400 ) and plan to get more b/4 trying to dose even though I will...
  19. shadowlord

    KT Botanicals?

    I have ordered Kratom extract and Indian Warrior from KT and my package came very quickly and I was pleased w/ his products.
  20. shadowlord

    Hello from a returning newbie.

    I know what you means AchillesLast. It seems to be harder and harder to find time to be able to trip out and then when you do get a day to do it, a bunch of people show up break up the mood. I'm more introspective when I'm tripping and like to be alone to think my thoughts. Had to take a pass on...