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  1. C

    Indoor grow ?!!!!!

    To me its a balance of budget. If you have plants that are in dixie cups there is less watering and easier to see how their rooting is proggressing, on larger pots theres no harm but you cant see how the roots are growing and your fertilizing just soil. which in turn will eventually fert. the...
  2. C

    fertilizer ???

    i have two plants 1.5 week into flower, i recently bought some mg bloom booster(15-30-15, although the website says different) should i start at 1/4, 1/2, or full strength ps the plants were fertilized earlier but with not that much
  3. C

    leaf sets

    unfortunately i cant, digi broken, i know one is primaraly sativa by the growth characteristics(narrow leaves, elongated stems), and the other primaraly indica, the only thing is the sativa has one leaf per node, and the indica two, both are female from bagseed flowering for 1 1/2 weeks
  4. C

    leaf sets

    i have two plants, one has 2 leaf sets at every node, the other one on has one leaf set. is there a way to tell if its indica or sativa by just the leaf sets.
  5. C

    leaves yellowing at the base

    sorry cameras broken, so no pics. But i think i figured out the problem. i fertilized to early and it burned it, then i got scared and flushed it with tap water(dont know the Ph), only to worsen the overwatering. Plus the soil mix i used retains alot of moisture and i didnt add extra perlite...
  6. C

    leaves yellowing at the base

    thanks for the advice, live and learn i guess
  7. C

    leaves yellowing at the base

    is that organic soil a good one, says it ph balaced to 5.8 - 6.9 ,will it cause nut burn, or is there anything i should add
  8. C

    leaves yellowing at the base

    before i start organic medium (.2/.2/.2) with coir fiber and added calcium enviroment 55% rh / 72 f water tap water that sat for 24+ hrs and aerorated plants are 2 weeks old one of the plants have start to turn brown where the new leaves are starting i did try to...