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  1. Five Dollars

    StgeneZiz Round 2. WW + BW Cfl Bubbleponix grow closet!

    The darnedest thing I've noticed are the stems are getting thicker at the base. They are 5 days old. Used clonex. Haven't checked for roots. Just don't want to pull them out of the cups and hydroton. I did check the bottom of the cups and nothing is dangling down yet. Are domed...
  2. Five Dollars

    StgeneZiz Round 2. WW + BW Cfl Bubbleponix grow closet!

    Good info. This is how I take care of res changes Sorry off topic and not related to your grow but do you know anything about purple stems on clones ? I want to believe it is just the plant growing. I remember when they were coming up from seeds the stems were purple when they were young and...
  3. Five Dollars

    StgeneZiz Round 2. WW + BW Cfl Bubbleponix grow closet!

    DR's are so nice. I have the DR80. I'm going to get the DR40 and use it to hold a mother. scrog, huh? I want to do the same thing soon as I can get my grow right. I went and got 4 24" bungee cords and some garden trellis. The squares are pretty large. 6x6 actually, lol. That is pretty big from...
  4. Five Dollars

    StgeneZiz Round 2. WW + BW Cfl Bubbleponix grow closet!

    Do you have a Dark Room tent ?
  5. Five Dollars

    StgeneZiz Round 2. WW + BW Cfl Bubbleponix grow closet!

    LOL, nice !!! Some of those buds look like cactus.
  6. Five Dollars

    beginning bubbleponic problems

    Use that black and white poly film to cover your res if you want to black out the inside.
  7. Five Dollars

    beginning bubbleponic problems

    Did you get a Dark Room? Those have intake and exhaust ports which give you a lot of options for air cooling that light and running a carbon filter. I used soler palau 100 cfm to suck a 100 cfm carbon filter through a 250w hps. On top of that light I have a 85 CFM Radio Shack AC computer fan...
  8. Five Dollars

    beginning bubbleponic problems

    Those tents are 110% light proof. Here is my set up. Should be right up your alley.
  9. Five Dollars

    beginning bubbleponic problems

    These tents are awesome!!! I have the DR80 about to get the DR40 to hold a mother.
  10. Five Dollars

    beginning bubbleponic problems

    I use this.
  11. Five Dollars

    Testing Water pH

    Hey, I came across this old thread about the 6 in 1 tester from Stealth Hydro. I ordered one and wish I had at least looked around RIU to see if anyone had some feedback about it. Too late !!! The temp and PPM works but the PH doesn't. I called SH and they are sending me a new probe and some cal...
  12. Five Dollars

    Wonder Woman from seed

    Nice man. Can't wait till mine are looking like that.
  13. Five Dollars

    Wonder Woman from seed

    Sylvania, good to hear about the save. Smokin, that clone looks good. Here are mine at 2 weeks.
  14. Five Dollars

    Wonder Woman from seed

    I've been vegn with this MG Seed Starting Soil. It's just a mix of sphagnum peat moss and perlite with some nutes in it. Suppose to use it until you get leaves and then transplant to real soil. I'm going to try and stretch that a bit, LOL, +/- < 2 weeks. Not right to the plants but I can't...
  15. Five Dollars

    Wonder Woman from seed

    LOL, I bet it smells good. Maybe you can read these pics I attached. I ripped them from a thread I'm subscribed to. Also try SELF DIAGNOSE
  16. Five Dollars

    Wonder Woman from seed

    How's the odor? My 4 already have a hint of that smell.
  17. Five Dollars

    Wonder Woman from seed

    Here's my Wonder Woman at 10 days veg. Only growing it does are it's leaves.
  18. Five Dollars

    Wonder Woman from seed

    Hey, I will be starting to flower mine in about two weeks. Right now they are just short and bushy. From what smokin1 said, I can expect to see a lot of growth when I make the switch to 12/12. 000 you say they take up a lot of room to. Are you doing any training to utilize space or are you...
  19. Five Dollars

    Wonder Woman from seed

    That's great to hear about the growth. Did you try to do any training to utilize space ? I'm planning on vegging for about two more weeks: due to some equipment issues. I'm just going to clone the four I have in a few weeks; once I get my equipment/flower room right, finish my first harvest...
  20. Five Dollars

    Wonder Woman from seed

    I'm growing some Wonder Woman too !!! I started from seed 9/14 and was able to sprout 5 by 9/16. I only have 4 now. LOL, CFL accident, don't want to talk about it. I'm at 7 days of veg. My short term goal with these are to clone or transplant to bubbleponics. I don't have my flower room up yet...