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  1. James1775

    what the fuck just happened!! my seeds arrived. i think

    It would be really cool of you guys to edit out the details of their shipping methods.
  2. James1775

    How to grow a pound every 3 months

    Read this, the guy def knows his shit and there is a ton of good info.
  3. James1775

    what ive got... i need advice on the rest!

    Cloning is intimidating at first, but if you spend some time reading up on it its really easy and it will save you from wasting time vegging boys. I don't really think there is any such thing as too much light they will soak up every bit you give them. and if your worried about a heater the...
  4. James1775

    Newbie here, Just a few ?'s if anyone is so kind to help me.

    for your lights you can cut a can in half (I think one of those big ass rockstars would be nice with those bulbs) and stick some mylar on there. It should be a cheap ass way to make a reflector thats better than the pricey ones you could buy. And I second svchop that your plants are getting...
  5. James1775

    what ive got... i need advice on the rest!

    IMHO, I would take some cuttings for clones now, you should be alright if you just switched to 12/12 and stick them in another room or just buy some seeds. I haven't heard of too many people getting good results from re-vegging.
  6. James1775

    Newbie here, Just a few ?'s if anyone is so kind to help me.

    If you can't get ventalation I would at least try to get some ocilating fans to move the air around, and if you closet isn't totaly air tight it will help to bring in some fresh air. As far as the yellow leaves you'll want a fert high in nitrogen. when you look at ferts they have three numbers...
  7. James1775

    what ive got... i need advice on the rest!

    Cfl is a compact florescent light, they are the flouresent bulbs that are designed to replace all the regular light bulbs in your house. Hps is a high pressure sodium light. I might recommend reading threw as much as the faq you can, kinda dry but really good place to get some of the basic info...
  8. James1775

    Chef Looking to Provide Line of Edibles to Dispensary

    I would assume there is a huge market in Denver, I've even heard of dispensary catering house parties there. I'm guessing that as long as your licensed its legal to sell to them. I don't don't know too much about the dispensaries, but I might start by sending emails to as many as you could...
  9. James1775

    what ive got... i need advice on the rest!

    If it twer me, I would seperate the closet into two areas, one for veg and one for flowering. You can get light proof fabric at the fabric store pretty cheap and its worked well for me. Just make sure that zero light transfers or you'll piss off the plants in flowering. I would also keep the...
  10. James1775

    Buy Clones

    You could get them from a friend that grows, or you can buy them from some dispensaries. If mmj is legal where your at.
  11. James1775

    problem plant need help

    I'm still pretty new at this so hopefully someone more experienced give a more definite answer. I think it could be either a water problem, or a temp problem. I also couldn't see if there was any discoloring that would point toward a nute issue. Here is a link to a good guide for plant...
  12. James1775

    seed question

    I would keep a close eye on the temp. I live in a drafty ass apartment and I had some seeds that sat for a few days w/o cracking, but I put them on my lights (shop light style floros) and they all cracked within 24 hours. Hope that helps and good luck with your grow.
  13. James1775

    Wanting advice on a perpetual harvest setup

    That makes sense, I'll have to invest in some 1 gal pots on the next go round, and that will give me more room in the veg area. It sounds like I'll have to adopt the event driven concept as opposed to the time frame mindset. I'll have to work on that, my last grow failed due to my...
  14. James1775

    Wanting advice on a perpetual harvest setup

    So they like being a little restricted during veg? I was hoping not to transplant b/c it seems like it takes two people and I would prefer people not knowing about my grow, and don't really like the idea of getting someone else in my growroom every week. Paranoid I know, but I had a close call...
  15. James1775

    Wanting advice on a perpetual harvest setup

    You know johny, I've put a little bit of research into growing and I've never seen anything about this before, I think I may be in love, I mean not even my dealer is guaranteed to come through every week. I would like to hear more about your op. strains that have worked and those that haven't...
  16. James1775

    Wanting advice on a perpetual harvest setup

    Thanks for the reply, and yea Sgt, I would like to work my way up to more, I have two solo cups that are nursing seedlings that I plan to stick in the flowering room at some point and seeing how thier yeild compares to the others. I'm not sure how big the pots are I have them in now are, but...
  17. James1775

    Wanting advice on a perpetual harvest setup

    I'm really new to this and would like to have someone who knows whats up to give me some advice. This is my second grow, my first was a complete failure due mostly to me but I've learned a few things and was inspired by this guys post. Anyways I have a walk in closet that has two shelves on...