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  1. palerider

    How do I cancel my profile?

    Seriously, how do I cancel this thing?
  2. palerider

    Should i cut my fan leaves?

    I see that tweaker Japanfreak hijacked another thread, his sole purpose for using this site is to go to every forum he can until he can badger someone...anyone into a fight. He has nothing solid to contribute, read his posts he is turning this site into a complete joke.
  3. palerider

    No Roots

    If you repot and there is no roots and the bottom of your container is all wet you are watering too much. You can water the fuck out of some strains and they will look fine up top, but when you flower they don't produce much. Why? because roots=buds. Because the plant was overwatered it didn't...
  4. palerider

    How do i produce huge buds?...tired of these small budz!( !!!!!!!!!!!))))

    Stop topping your plants, or if you must top start your veg time back at zero afterwards. You want the top growing nodes on your plants to be as big as possible when you induce flowering. Big lights+big plants=big buds!
  5. palerider

    Ideas for increasing yield

    dude, look at the forums all you do is jump from thread to thread making rude comments and trying to get a rise out of every/any one you can, then spout off about what an amazing grower you are and how stupid every one else in the world is compared to you.... thats my definition of a jerkoff...
  6. palerider

    Ideas for increasing yield

    Its your first grow man, learn from your mistakes and you will get better. There are good people on here that will help you, just ignore the jerkoffs and keep at it. Some pictures will really help you to get the answers you need.
  7. palerider

    5 min meth

    Missing the point of my posts dude, I know he did it to himself 100%, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go out and start doing meth now cuz I don't have those issues. I am as stable and healthy and happy as a guy could expect to be, but that doesn't mean I could start shooting meth every day...
  8. palerider

    i was wondering if i grow 12 1/2 pint jars of magic mushroom how long it will take

    Jesse420, flushing shrooms just refers to the growth you get out of your cakes after hydrating them. After you dunk them they will grow like crazy for about a week till they use up all of the moisture in the cake, at which point you have to dunk them in water again in order to get another...
  9. palerider

    5 min meth

    fdd2blk, good for you getting clean bro. I can tell from your last couple post that you at least have a little respect for the drug that we are talking about and that is a good thing. Meth has destroyed a lot of lives and hurt alot of people, it shouldn't be a surprise that some people get more...
  10. palerider

    Greenhouse fem church plant flowered under 18hrs of light!(how)?????????????

    lotsoweed is right, you just have preflowers dude your plant is just telling you that it is sexually mature.
  11. palerider

    5 min meth

    I know I'm being a bit of a cunt here, but can you seriously look in your heart of hearts and tell me that meth is a good thing? I don't know about the rest of the planet, but I work as an EMT and the meth heads in my neck of the woods are dropping like flies man....I wouldn't give my kid a beer...
  12. palerider

    Bump If You're Baked!

    BUMP mothafuckas, twas a real merry marijuana christmas!
  13. palerider

    5 min meth

    I think you should pull your head out of your ass....meth kills, one of my best friends in the world started taking that shit. One year and two months later he had lost his buisness, his family and his home. He then began stealing to support himself and his habit, two months ago he hung himself...
  14. palerider

    5 min meth

    I think you should start up with the meth Japanfreak, it really is a good thing.....
  15. palerider


    I am so subscribed to this thread!
  16. palerider

    5 min meth

    I think meth is great, its darwinism at its finest.....keep on improving the gene pool by killing yourselves with that poison, your creating a better world for the rest of us.
  17. palerider


    Really? 9 plants in one pot.......really?
  18. palerider

    Barack INSANE NObama is the Antichirst! And I AM YOUR God/Christ! Merry Xmass!

    You just blew my fucking mind.......I can't find one hole in your logic, I will direct my prayers to you exclusivley from now on.
  19. palerider

    light fell and smashed plants. any advice appriciated

    They will be fine, just prop them back up and carry on. I've done the same thing and worse, in a day or two it will be like it never even happened.
  20. palerider

    If atheist don't have Faith, how do They buy Faith n Evolution???

    Your dead on Heisenberg, I think alot of religious people see science as another competing religion, and impose religious charecteristics onto it. In reality I don't see why the two must be mutually exclusive, you can have common sense and still be a spiritual person. Some people are so rigid...