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  1. G

    autoflowering strians 24hrs light cycle

    thanks for the replys everyone . still waiting to hear from anyone who has had any success with 24hrs autos, 60 day wonder ? deisel rider?
  2. G

    autoflowering strians 24hrs light cycle

    nobody has done autoflowers on 24hrs light ? common i know somebody on here has to have some experience with this.
  3. G

    autoflowering strians 24hrs light cycle

    anyone on here try any of the auto's on 24hr light cycle with any success. if so which strains ?
  4. G

    autoflowering strains

    anyone know what autoflowering strains grow best under 24hrs light
  5. G

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    i have a fan with an ac motor and i want to know if i can hook it up to a dimmer . if yes how do i go about doing that. i ask this because i looked up one of those ones u just plug ur fan into and it says it only works with brush type fans.
  6. G

    Fan Question

    i got a loud ass hydrofarm fan with an ac motor and the speedster (Variable Fan Speed Controler) says its only good for brush type fans. is an ac motor a brush type motor or do i have to use some other method to quiet this thing down. not worried about losing cfm's its got 4 times more cfm's...
  7. G


    i tried to get the speedster from worms way to quiet down my fan, but they don't deliver to canada. anyone know where i can get one or similar product delivered to canada.