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  1. S

    What inline fan

    Yea you really don't know what you are talking about. Ok you have some huge gaps of knowledge about air pressure and how air works - you've missed years and years of science class and a grow forum is a really inappropriate place to have this knowledge filled in. If air is being pushed out -...
  2. S

    one cold night and this shit happens.

    You can buy heating wire than you bury into the first few inches of soil around the base of the plant - if you keep the roots warm they are FAR more resistant to cold like that. The wire hovers around ~$20 at the garden stores near me. You can also get plastic frost covers for your plants if...
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    6" or 8" cool tubes with a 12" inline fan?

    Whoever told you that - I want you to take away their smoking device and slap them very hard, at least a dozen times. Drawing blood is acceptable here. Certainly reducing the size of the tubing will increase the pressure - the back-pressure on the fan - which will then of course reduce the...
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    Need Help with Lowering Grow Room Temperature

    Well isn't that the point of the internet? Because I've read the whole thread, I know that he's well invested in ventilation - we covered that in the first page of posts. In fact I provided a solution that takes into account the OP's installation and growing concerns. You have not. And...
  5. S

    37 days into flowering and now this!!Need help figuring it out.

    Right - I get the system - but the point is that it is a massive scam to skim money off of marijuana growers. There isn't a single plant in the world besides marijuana that would be valuable enough to grow this way - so the point is that GH or any of these other companies that sell like...
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    37 days into flowering and now this!!Need help figuring it out.

    I can't agree more. Some people I work with use ~$800 worth of fertilizers/soil for a kilo of cured bud. I've recently gotten into mixing up my own fertilzers from organic base ingredients - blood, bone meal, sea kelp, etc. - but this largely so I don't have to lie when I say "yes it's...
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    Need Help with Lowering Grow Room Temperature

    What? Are you talking about? This is moronic bitchiness at best - Growing indoors is an attempt to provide a perfect natural environment. So while the outside might have sun, breeze, air, and rain - indoors has an HPS bulb, a fan, and a guy with a watering can. So I have no idea what in...
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    Need Help with Lowering Grow Room Temperature

    Okay I read through that progrow FAQ here: That's a good FAQ - really accurate for cannabis. Anyway - they don't spell it out but I believe it is not only implicit but rather necessary for a grow room to function as they describe...
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    Need Help with Lowering Grow Room Temperature

    Well yea of course it would - but if detection is a serious risk for you then you would probably be better off with hotter plants than prison. I'm tellin man - temp spikes to 90 are not going to hurt them - 90 degrees happens everywhere in nature all the time in the natural range of cannabis...
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    Need Help with Lowering Grow Room Temperature

    [/COLOR] What are "the calculations?" Just looking at your pictures, methinks you didn't calculate for the fact that you are reusing ambient air that has already been heated and scrubbed - hence your heat build up. You must run your exhaust outside if you want those "calculations" to...
  11. S

    help please. got some rep to give away

    Is it just me or does his plants look totally normal for week 4 of flowering? Some minor spotting isn't really the most unusual thing - and leaves always yellow out during this part of the grow cycle. Argentino I really think you are overstressing ur grow.
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    37 days into flowering and now this!!Need help figuring it out.

    I think the General Hydroponics stuff is pretty tame with the NPK values - like 0-5-2 or some such for the flowering mixture (at least the one they sell at the grow shop I usually go to) . . . but FOUR feedings a day seems like it might be a bit over the top . . .
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    37 days into flowering and now this!!Need help figuring it out.

    Argentino I'm not really sure your problem looks the same - especially as it doesn't appear to be contained to the leaf tips. The OP is almost certainly nute burn - and the way he describes his grow it is kinda the only conclusion I think one would reach.
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    37 days into flowering and now this!!Need help figuring it out.

    If that isn't nute burn I'd die of shock. Read the sticky's on the top of the forum there are lots of pics there to compare it too. Back the nutes off and the undamaged parts of the plant should be fine.
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    I dunno that plant looks like every plant I've seen that has been growing under incandesents - I'm thinking a simple case of drastic underlighting.
  16. S

    Sudden Strike Leaf Cupping?

    I mean nute-burn looks different - like I should be getting yellowing at the tips. If it's overwatered, it is only marginally so, and like you said, those are some hella thin leaves. I dunno I'm starting to lean heavily toward the lower temperatures/cold snap lately - I dropped some...
  17. S

    Leaves curling down??

    Yea I meant the steams and interior foliage - with my plant the exact same situation - the inner foliage still looks great but the extremities are where all the leaf cupping is occuring. I was using this plant as a mother for the past few weeks but I was thinking of flowering her when my HPS...
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    Leaves curling down??

    Here is a pic of my leaves - they look just like yours - and I've been hitting 20C nights just the last few days. What does the interior of your plant look like?
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    Sudden Strike Leaf Cupping?

    Ya think? In a 3 gallon bucket? The only thing I think I could up-pot into would be a 5-gallon work bucket - not sure if the plant is rootbound yet but there are no roots pushing through the bottom holes. Eitherway - I read all sorts of posts with ppl saying they needed like TWO quarts/day in...
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    Leaves curling down??

    [/COLOR] I've had a bit of a cold snap here and my plants have just started doing that exact same thing - I'm thinking it might be the cold as well - I think the leaves cup like that to present a smaller wind-cross-section/less surface area during cold-spells - ya know - to retain heat. Not...