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  1. Smokiebear

    How often should i water my seedlings?

    Wow you really don't want to use a windex bottle, i tried using a 409 and a fabreeze one time. My plant def stoped growing and lost it's fresh green color. Using chemical spray bottles in place of water bottles is bad. You can poisen your plants, and prob your self when you smoke it HA. justa...
  2. Smokiebear

    First Grow CFL Setup

    Hey man, Im a noob grower that is in your same place, im using two 13w CFL that are supposed to be the same as a 60w reg bulb or something, but anyhow. I am going to put some pics on here and ask as many questions as possible lol, just thought i would say good luck, and keep me updated if you...
  3. Smokiebear

    seed germinated with two sprout??

    My opinion would be, you going to have two plants. one weaker one stronger or both weak both strong there only seedlings, so i imagine there planted in some small container waiting to be transplanted, your prob going to end up pulling the weaker one, all it is doing is using up the...
  4. Smokiebear

    Germinated seed sprouted super tail

    So, i have a seedling i planted last night. when i germinated it, only a little sprout was visible. next day when i was ready to plant the sprout was friggen long, for a sprout ive seen and heard how long they get. it was 1'' 1/2 -- 2'' long, and wtf i swear i saw furry hairs guess u would say...
  5. Smokiebear

    Seedling in a MG fertilizer? Any Danger?

    kiss-assYea, so. My first grow went to hell is about.....7 Days. Thats all needs to be said about that. I was seriously trying to use a 60W Incadesent bulb??WTF?? But anyhow im on grow two and i have got a couple CFL's over the seedling. Now, i planted the seedling in a MG fertilizer. Not...
  6. Smokiebear

    Need Help first time grow and broke plant!!!!

    I wish mine could live on...of course i just decided to start growing and it's only bagseed...the only reason i havn't got a light and more seeds is payday hasn't come yet i picked a odd day to start! But damn the rush is awesome.. my plant is still alive i hope...i'ts of the round...
  7. Smokiebear

    Need Help first time grow and broke plant!!!!

    :leaf: Thank you algeezy! And i do know my neighboors by the way they got my netflix by accident and watched it before returning it, nice first impression.... I will plant it deeper so it cant lean to the side, as i hope to soon get a light.. Flourecent or whatever is what i heard ...Okay...
  8. Smokiebear

    Need Help first time grow and broke plant!!!!

    I just straightend it up against a stick and it's already holding it self plant is on it's sixth day it's only 1inch tall (above soil) that normal or should it be bigger??
  9. Smokiebear

    Need Help first time grow and broke plant!!!!

    Yes i know this, but im too into my first grow... I didn't care...besides the point anyway..can you help??? my plant is still alive i just want to know if it can still grow
  10. Smokiebear

    Need Help first time grow and broke plant!!!!

    :leaf: Hello, It is my first time to grow and I really don't know that much about it. I germinized my seed and planted it...about half of my finger deep. packed the damn soil to much and the plant could break soil...i read a little on this before however and dug it out and planted it above...