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  1. shamus420

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    alright. are led panels any good? or would a 400w still b better for the money? cause led would save money on the power bill and less heat. i found this one:
  2. shamus420

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    k thanks. like i siad im still new and just dreamin i geuss haha. i can afford the 400w u sent a link to earlier but would i need a bigger tent as well? and how much more per month does a 400w light add to the power bill?
  3. shamus420

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    i was hopin to get three and try to lst them..
  4. shamus420

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    hey im new to growin and im wonderin if anyone knows if these sun system 150w lights are any good? i would be using it in a smaller grow tent something around 1'5" x 1'5" x 3'11 for 3 to 4 plants. here is the link to it...
  5. shamus420

    lighting question? +rep to advice

    i was thinking about using that light for both cycles tho any thoughts?
  6. shamus420

    lighting question? +rep to advice

    i have a very small grow with 4 cfls and a 20 watt floro tube and im looking to upgrade i know hps and mh is the best but i cant go that big just yet... i was wondering if this would be better to get? has anyone tried a full grow with this...
  7. shamus420

    first grow-cfl-blueberry

    ok everyone i havent been on for an update in a while but i started two more seeds a week apart the older one (which i just tried topping with) is blueberry and the other one is bagseed... i now have two fans for intake and one exaust for my box and my oldest plant is now 3 weeks into...
  8. shamus420


    thanks :bigjoint: and im letting the soil go dry before i water and when i do water i give it just enough to have a lil come out the bottom
  9. shamus420

    My first ever DWC ScrOG Cabinet Grow

    you are definatntly starting out strong picking good seeds and having good equipment is always a plus... ill be watching this one...
  10. shamus420

    My Setup and first grow - How am I doing?

    i have a smaller version of what you have and like everyone else said you need exaust at the top and intake at the bottom... i used computer fans
  11. shamus420


    ok thanks +rep to you both
  12. shamus420


    hey im a first time grower and i just switched to the 12/12 cycle andi was wondering if my plant is supposed to droop during the NIGHT cycle? during the day cycle the plant is perky and looking healthy but this is how it looks when the lights are off +rep to good advice
  13. shamus420

    first grow-cfl-blueberry

    ok i got a few pictures of the droopy ness im talking about... this is the NIGHT cycle and it seems to droop like this but once the lights turn on it perks right back up is this normal?
  14. shamus420

    first grow-cfl-blueberry

    ok thanks :bigjoint:
  15. shamus420

    first grow-cfl-blueberry

    im ok with a small yeild its my very first grow but ill definatly try and get a bigger pot for it.... and thats how im watering now just let it get dry then pour enough in so just a little bit runs out the bottom... and with the box i have it can only get 18 in high hahaha thats why im flowering...
  16. shamus420

    first grow-cfl-blueberry

    im looking for a bigger pot or box right now... and i water once a day now when i took that picture i was watering 2 or 3 light waterings.... and i know its small but i dont have much room as it is and i need to keep it in the box i have untill i get a dresser or closet to work with
  17. shamus420

    first grow-cfl-blueberry

    ok one of the seeds i put in sprouted to germinate it i just put it directly in the soil and kept the soil moist and now i have it under 24 hr light from a floresent tube light... i will put up new pics today
  18. shamus420

    bong and pipe cleaning secret

    havent heard of that one... ill try it one of these days... isnt it hard to get crushed ice in a pipe?
  19. shamus420

    bong and pipe cleaning secret

    idk how much of a secret it iss but if you pour some kosher salt and some rubbing alcohol in there and shake it around then wash out with fresh water it cleans all those hard to reach places without boiling bongsmilie
  20. shamus420

    first grow-cfl-blueberry

    so i have the 12/12 cycle going with the 2700k bulbs and fans setup and it is getting to about 87 at the highest but the leaves seem droopy during the night cycle is that normal? and i did a heavy watering with ff big bloom yesterday