Search results

  1. RandomLuck

    Anyone know of a US seed bank that has Ghost Train Haze in stock?

    Attitude has been tried and true for me since 2008. I actually remembered this account's password from 2009, in hopes that I could find us seed banks now that it's legal here in the states. I placed a few orders last year through attitude and I always get them within a week (east coast, USA)...
  2. RandomLuck

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I love auto flowers and this form back in 2009 motivated me to dedicate the past few years of my life to growing auto flowering strains. I have purchased hundreds of seeds and have them all picture logged with breeder packs, i have crossed so many strains together and have an unlimited amount of...
  3. RandomLuck

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Its been since the end of 09 when i was last on here. i was able to order and breed my auto flowers.. and havent been able to do anything with them since. anywho.. its 2011 now, and i have space available. i will upload pictures of my Auto flower Sog when ready. im using a g-13 labs...
  4. RandomLuck

    My 2nd grow/ 1st Autoflower Gorw

    Damn, those look great :) i ended up with... 2 Males, 2 Hermies and, 2 Females.. ( they all look very nice, i was very upset when i seen 2 Hermies.. but what can i do.. ) i orderd some Hydroton, rockwool, and Netpots they came in yesterday. My hydro setup is almost finished, i have 2 Autos...
  5. RandomLuck

    FLIR? Using Heli's with infared?

    lol im out. good luck spaming, hopfully u will get his nuts in your mouth. apparently thats what you want synik4l sorry 4 spaming your Thread good luck with your setup.
  6. RandomLuck

    FLIR? Using Heli's with infared?

    Know ?? no ?? go back to english class.. perfect example of why weed is taking so long to be legalized is because of stupid people like your self.
  7. RandomLuck

    FLIR? Using Heli's with infared?

    lol its like talking to a brick wall... everything that comes out of your mouth is the same.. 100% perminitive mind... your not going anywere in life..
  8. RandomLuck

    FLIR? Using Heli's with infared?

    but of course not by you, because you cant do shit.. but spam online forums people like you, and 50% of the weed smoking population makes me want to quit smoking and strighten out my life.. Your the type of Person that if your moms house got robbed and you knew who did it, you wouldnt tell...
  9. RandomLuck

    FLIR? Using Heli's with infared?

    do it ill come meet up with you with a HD camera bet u wont do shit but talk and walk away
  10. RandomLuck

    FLIR? Using Heli's with infared?

    "you fucking retard" thats makes us want to belive you.. kid go get laid and get a life.
  11. RandomLuck

    FLIR? Using Heli's with infared?

    im about ready to give my mans 2 grams of dank to fry your computer....
  12. RandomLuck

    Smoked my first harvested.

    i lol'd get off his nuts.. everyone that posts here knows the risk they are taking.. and Congrats on ur harvest buddy.
  13. RandomLuck

    The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!

    My MM guy seems a little sick and i have no clue why... it gets the same water as the rest of my plants. ( and my others are fine, Autos at that ) leafs are browning hard... like a LOCK OUT or PH Problem.. ( or both.. ) my Super skunk is doing fine. but thats a 1 inch pot with a wick in it...
  14. RandomLuck

    how many times a week do you water

    Tpb! i give my plants 150 - 200 ML of water daily. leaning to the end of flowering i tend to give them less water.. 200 Ml of water every other day or so.
  15. RandomLuck

    Drying/Storing nugs

    the smell should return after you cure it.
  16. RandomLuck

    is my freak a hermi? need confirmation :)

    breeding a hermie will result in more hermies.
  17. RandomLuck

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    ok so! 4 out of 6 poison dwarfs are females! 21 days old, and it looks like the male is about to blow a load. about to take pictures, ill be back to edit. First picture: 2 male / 2 female Poison dwarfs Second picture: 2 female poison dwarfs, 1 pineapple express.
  18. RandomLuck

    ive ordered seeds a couple times now from attitude

    copy / paiste Edit: i miss read what you said, i thought you said you did order them, anywho ill leave this up here for people to see. UPDATE: 22 September 15;15pm All customers who purchased DJ shorts have now been informed, If you ordered from us please check your email UPDATE: 22...
  19. RandomLuck

    ive ordered seeds a couple times now from attitude

    i doubt it. i have order from them, and every things cool. They have been around for a while, and they are sponsers of this years cannibus cup i dont think they would partake in activities that get their customers in trouble. they want to make money and have a good rep. not loose customers and...