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  1. X

    Hey Pot~! Checking in and sayin HI! Pete

    Hey Pot~! Checking in and sayin HI! Pete
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    the great state of ny

    All in all done as of yesterday. I have no problem with pulling in the rain, don't want to but... I shake hell out of the branches, cut and bag then hang and watch for mold while hanging and have had minimal problems, most of the mold was already in the inner bud at the stem and I cut that out...
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    the great state of ny

    My area has a lot of growers, flyovers are a pain in the ass! White fed plane with thermal and state LEO in their marked rig. I was told that locally, the state popo uses a color blind guy to spot, he can see the herb plants standing out like a spotlight... shades of grey...... Popped two...
  4. X

    Harvesting Half the Plant??

    We try to take the outdoor harvest in two or three cuttings. First cut of harvest is the cola and all top buds, panel leaves and dying leaves are dropped to allow light inside of plant. Second cut gets the secondary growth under the colas. Last cut if I go three is the balance. Yesterday I did...
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    Smoke Report: 2 years in storage

    Excellent thread! I have been keeping my grow in quart mason jars after cure, I actually just use my canner to seal the jars. I keep the jars in a dark unheated closet. What I grow lasted the year from harvest to harvest. I am supplementing the outdoor grow with a new indoor grow closet set-up...
  6. X

    benifits of cloning?

    Clones are the same sex as the plant that donates its branch. A male will be a male, a female will be a female. Unless you are into genetics and need additional pollen, there is no need to clone a known male. Upside of cloning is that with a good strain, you can maintain a single mother...
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    the great state of ny

    F**KING ROT EH? This weather has been shitty beyond belief... had a touch of snow the other day but still no real frost so the Afgani's are still running on. Pulled the leavings off three Northern Lights yesterday, left the lower stuff run after the second haircut and still got 14Z wet weight...
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    Best Stoner Movie

    " Boondock Saints" .... one of the funniest sick movies I have ever seen.... I nearly pissed myself laughing, had to stop the movie and recover many times.. Easyrider.... " a whole new may of looking at the day.." goin to Mardi Gras.... Reefer Madness.... only way to watch is stoned...
  9. X

    OK i gots questions

    Do a little research here on trichomes. The crystal on the buds( trichomes ) is the true indicator or the state of done.. Borrow or buy a cheap microscope at Radio Shack, they are around 12 bux. Magnification needs to be minimal 30X. Then let your two girls go until you look in the scope and...
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    2 FREE seeds at Attitude starting today(no purchase)

    When I buy my beans, I go to Wallyworld and buy a charged debit card with cash and use that for my purchase, no purchases on our personal cards outside of gardening supplies.. Pete
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    This thread is to vent on rippers

    Sux man, been there five years ago and again this year. Five years ago, my grow buddies little brother took 20 plants just before harvest. Last year I got busted for growing, it was a neighbors grandson who needed to dime on some people to get a reduced sentence for transporting weight. This...
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    Getting cold, time to cut?

    I would let them go.. If you are in US, go to the local Radio Shack and buy a small microscope, they are around 12 bucks. Then come to the forum and do a search on trichomes, these are the indicators or "is it done yet?" Looking close at the bud, you will see little balls on sticks with fluid...
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    the great state of ny

    Why not give them a haircut and take some of the weight of off the plant and let the balance run... some drying and some growing. Peace! Pete :joint:
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    the great state of ny

    Pulled more lower growth yesterday off three Northern Lights and two Afghani's. About 18 oz. wet and trimmed of lumber. Not too bad so far, 4.9 lbs wet well trimmed with two large Afghani's and two rescue plants in 5 gal pots still to bring in. They still need a week to two to pack on the...
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    the great state of ny

    Hi! I also grow in Upstate, in the northern Adirondacks facing Canada. I grew three plots of 12 plants, ran Northern Lights, Afghani / Skunk hybrid and Skunk #1. I pulled one plot, yield was 4.9 lbs. wet , had to pull due to theives, rotten bastards got a 8 foot side grown lady and another...
  16. X

    Greetings all from Puckerbrush NY

    Just luckily found this forum, love the information that I have read so far. I am pleased to be a part of this community and forum. I have grown personal stash for years now but the dang helicopters are flying over too often and I have now gone indoors. I have a small veg closet with a...