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  1. Sunstorm

    Co2 @ Night?

    Hello there! I was wondering how I should set my Co2 timer up (night/day, on/off intervals)? My partner wants to run it for four hours straight from midnight until 4am. I am not sure this is optimal, as I know plants use co2 primarily during photosynthesis in the daytime and produce it (I think...
  2. Sunstorm


    you're right, there really doesn't seem to be much info out there on it as far as I can tell. Here's a link I found, though. The dude said one of the strains he was growing was ischence. Hope it helps, didn't really look it over too much...
  3. Sunstorm

    New beans and lights are here.

    The Church is supposed to be some bad-ass bud... hope this endeavor works out for ya pal. : )
  4. Sunstorm

    South Park vs. Family Guy

    I love family guy, but sometimes it's so stupid it makes my head ache. South park... just kicks ass. Cartman is a total badass, and Kenny reminds me of myself sometimes : )
  5. Sunstorm

    Shrooms... are they bad for you?

    thanks so much for all the responses... they definately sound like something you need to be in the right frame of mind for. Maybe I'll go find a secluded field or something... :)
  6. Sunstorm

    Shrooms... are they bad for you?

    My boyfriend is going to give me shrooms this weekend... I really want to try them, but... Is it like poisoning yourself? Am I in danger of permanant damage? I would look it up, but I try to keep my illegal substance searches to a minimum... Anyway, thanx...:peace:
  7. Sunstorm

    Boy-Girl...please take this thred seriously

    Good luck... And be careful. Not all are tolerant and trust isn't someting to give lightly. :) But, you sound like an intelligent person. I'm sure you knew that.... blessings upon thee mortal. (I like your avatar and sig pics, btw.)
  8. Sunstorm

    Is it OK to water diatomaceous earth?

    I've heard that it's prone to molding when wet, but just by word of mouth. My mom's into the human-grade version of the stuff. :)
  9. Sunstorm

    Is it possible to colour my plants?

    I didn't think it was such a stupid question. Dude just wants to have a little fun. :) Nothing wrong with being creative and wanting to experment, right?
  10. Sunstorm

    ... help?! I'm a newbie! :)

    Thanx everybody. I really, really appreciate it.
  11. Sunstorm

    ... help?! I'm a newbie! :)

    thank you, skunkman. :D
  12. Sunstorm

    ... help?! I'm a newbie! :)

    mystery solved :D 250 MH, 250 HPS.
  13. Sunstorm

    ... help?! I'm a newbie! :)

    Oh, and yes my relative does know about my grow. He's just not very supportive. :( I think he expects me to screw it up like I do everything else... I'm interested in gardening as a whole, but what little bit I've tried, I've killed. Except for my faithful cactus. But I suppose a cactus isn't...
  14. Sunstorm

    ... help?! I'm a newbie! :)

    I'm probably wrong on the wattage... The person who is going to lend it to me sounded kind of unsure and I don't really trust her memory or her experience that much. I thought I hadn't really noticed that number before when researching... Oh, well, probably close enough, I'll check.
  15. Sunstorm

    ... help?! I'm a newbie! :)

    Hmmm... I'll do a bit more research on the lights, thank you all for the helpful advice. :D
  16. Sunstorm

    ... help?! I'm a newbie! :)

    Thank you, I think I'll be heading to Lowes tomorrow. :) Oh, and I already grabbed some 12-12-12 fertilizer... I hope it will be good enough... I thought I might alternate it with bat guano every 2 weeks... I appreciate the advice about the pots, too. Thanx (again).
  17. Sunstorm

    ... help?! I'm a newbie! :)

    Hi! I'm new here (and new to growing) and I was wondering if you could give me some advice. I don't have a large crop (4 plants) so I want the smallest, most energy efficient grow room possible. Right now, my freshly sprouted plants reside in a cupboard (I'll have to move them when I transplant...